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Radkoil Interactive

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About this mod

Play a Surreal and Abstract game of Hide and Seek across abstract realities watching as your beloved home falls into decay as you try desperately over and over again to hunt down your target through the stages of Denial, Grief, Depression, Resentment, and Acceptance.

Permissions and credits
Step into a twisted world of surrealism and danger in the ultimate game of hide and seek.
Embark on a nightmarish journey across ever-shifting abstract realities where your beloved home decays with each passing moment. As you desperately hunt your target, you will be forced to confront the stages of Denial, Grief, Depression, Resentment, and Acceptance in a relentless cycle.
This thrilling remake of Lest They Catch My Hide introduces:
  • 6 brand new levels that push your sanity to the edge
  • Bonus features and hidden secrets
  • Bug fixes and level upgrades for a smoother, more immersive experience
  • A packed-in version of ‘Lest the Gods Grow Careless v0.2’, expanding the chaos further!
With 54 story levels and 7 bonus secrets, there’s no shortage of thrills. Can you survive the madness?