Grand Theft Auto IV

Fallout 4 Teaser : Could it be true?

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  1. GimmeBackMyMoney
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    • 2 kudos
    I will be disappointed if Bethesda bring back the Enclave and make it almost exactly like Fallout 3, but I'd still play it.
    Just make the individual locations believable, do away with silly concepts like the Commonwealth and Little Lampshit, reward the player for exploring locations which have little or nothing to do with the main story with sidequests or more information about the world.
    It doesn't have to be as well-written as New Vegas, just believable and rewarding.
    Other threads have covered the myriad of things I want to see in Fallout 4 and I don't want to repeat them here.
  2. lquebecois
    • premium
    • 10 kudos
    i just hope it's not obsidian who make Fallout 4... i am disapointed in the gameplay of FNV vs FO3, and if i know that FO4 is made by obsidian, i'm not even going to buy it sincerely.... It have to be made by bethesda studio..
  3. Rastafariel
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    • 3 kudos
    They should have let you complete the ending, show us the results of our actions, and then planned content.... not have everyone walking around doing dlc packs with the last quest in the main game hanging undone.
    On a seperate note, I believe that Skyrim was an advancement, but it was also definately a step back for player ingenuity (when it comes to making spells and enchanting) and also highly annoying at the amount of hang holding, and the utter reliance on the #$%#!@$%#@$%@$ quest markers to tell us where things were... even if you turn them off you dont have enough text to go on in many quests - as I know has been stated many times before.  For the love of god, treat us like we are actually RPG gamers.
    I hope its not another New Vegas clone. The biggest let down of NV was the ending. We didn't get to see the end result of our actions in the wasteland.

    In fallout 3, we did...Ala:Broken Steel.
    Lets hope Besthesda and Todd Howard remember that.
  4. VampireRights
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    • 0 kudos
    HELL YEAH! Canadian wasteland need to happen people!
  5. litbbomstix
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Canadian wasteland anyone? We've seen a barren, dead-tree-filled wasteland and a desert wasteland why not a nuclear winter setting?
  6. Hitesh12
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    I hope bethesda don't replace the whole fallout lore with something " modern futuristic " style, they should bring some elements from fallout 1, 2, and FNV, like for instancesome renmant of the master's army and hope for better plot, voice acting, and more time to fix their bugs

    They wouldn't do that. For that "modern futuristic", they would need to jump around 200-300 years in timeline. That would mean a lot advancesment, development, more people around etc.
    They will not abondan the "eerie" atmosphere else it would be a fail.
  7. mrqiv1122
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I hope bethesda don't replace the whole fallout lore with something " modern futuristic " style, they should bring some elements from fallout 1, 2, and FNV, like for instancesome renmant of the master's army and hope for better plot, voice acting, and more time to fix their bugs
  8. Sachelman
    • member
    • 6 kudos
    I wish it to be more like "Fallout: Tactics". By that I mean: More Guns, Driveable vehicls (Humvee's in "Tactics" and the car in "Fallout 2") and the abilite to have more then one companion with you. (I realize there are mods that make that possible, but why in the hell wasn't it in the damned game? At least let me have 3 companions. [In othere words, a samll squad]) AND BRING BACK MULTIPLAYER!
  9. SMB92
    • premium
    • 121 kudos
    Fallout 4 has been patented along with the rights to a TV series. Go here to view the patent:
    Under "Mark Information" you will find the number 4 has been added as a general/standard character. 
  10. niadly
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    If it's not being developed by Obsidian then I really don't care.

    Im the exact opposite. back in 2004, they released a little game called knights of the old republic 2. (maybe youve heard of it)
    I had been patiently awaiting the sequel for months in anticipation.  recieved my copy and went home for a week long gaming marathon. after the tens and tens of hours put in the game, i near the end-game sequences. well, to my surprise the hackjobs at Obsidian didnt actually finish the damn game! playing a game for 50 hours or so only find out the the ending has been butchered beyond comphrehension was unforgivable.
    yup, the ending simply fell apart - suddenly there were party members missing with no explantion, the there were lines of dialogue missing, the last 4 hours of that game is nonsensical garbage. (guess what, Obsidian never fixed any of it, the mod community had to) After that I cursed Obsidain for ruining the game (after all Bioware did such a great job with the first one)and never bought another one of thier games.
    then i heard FNV was being made by them, and thought "well maybe they got their s#*! together over the last 9 years..." unfortunatly, they didnt. when it first came out it was nicknamed new bug vegas, couldnt play on 3 different PCs due to random CTD's......i had to borrow my buddys xbox version-, and honestly, it felt like a rip off of fallout 3 with new envirnment, - instaed of being a new game it felt like an expansion. but at least there was an ending ( a shitty one size fits all ending).
    Obsidian made a name for themselves becuase it had members of Black Isle , who made the origianl fallouts and planescape and others...
    thing is, these poeple all left years ago, and the company gets by as "RPG makers" when the only true "RPG" associated with them wasnt even made by THIER company, it was Black Isle. 
    Obsidian Credits-
    KOTOR 2
    neverwinter nights MMO
    Fallout NV
    Dungeon Siege 3
    none of these were "Great" games.
    KOTOR 2 rode the coattails of the original (and theres the ending debaucle)
    neverwinter was MMO, and I never played an MMO
    Fallout NV was nowhere near as good as FO3, and comes off like an expansion.(they took another companys product and added in a few mods basically)
    and according to the reviews, Dungeon Siege 3 is absolutly horrid.
    SO Obsidian is not the great end all be all maker of RPGs. I think Fallout would be better off in most other companies hands.