This is a modders resource that consists of the mine tileset used in my mod 'The Mine of Malan Vael'. I cleaned it up and made it more user friendly so it's easier to mod with. Please note that only the plain tileset is included in this package, all the special assets that aren't directly part of the tileset are not included (eg ballista, elevator, Shrakk Torr hive, most sound effects, weapons etc etc). You can still make use of these assets if you like, but you need to download the source files of the mod to get them and add them to your mod project on your own.
= Adding the tileset to your mod project =
Copy/paste the 'mod_assets' folder over your mod project's 'mod_assets' folder.
No worries, all the assets and scripts are in a separate subfolder called 'mine', so unless for some weird reason you put all your lua definitions, models, whatever into a subfolder called 'mine' nothing will get overwritten. Eg the lua definitions will end up in 'mod_assets/scripts/mine/' and thus won't affect your definitions, which are usually in 'mod_assets/scripts'. For safety reasons I still renamed the lua definitions so even IF they would end up in the scripts folder directly they wouldn't overwrite the default definitions.
After you're done you need to copy/paste the content of the 'init_lua' text file into your 'init.lua', which should be located in 'mod_assets/scripts'.
And that's all you need to do, when you load your mod the mine tileset should be ready for use.
= A few notes about the tileset =
1. All objects have a 'mine' prefix in the editor. You can easily find all new assets by simply typing 'mine' in the asset browser of the editor.
2. Decorations need to be placed manually. The reason is that you can't control the amount of decoration objects placed automatically by the editor. And the mine tileset relies a lot on the deco planks on the walls. There are 6 different deco planks available, 01 is the basic plank, 02-04 are damaged planks and 05-06 are partially destroyed planks. 01 can be used often, 02-04 quite often and 05-06 should only be used rarely as they have a high recall value.
3. Floor tiles are not seamless in all directions. That's why any special floor tile (like the drainage for example) needs to face north when placed, otherwise you will get ugly texture seams.
4. The large pit tileset follows the same principle to make sure it seamlessly connects with the regular floor tiles. There are tiles for every direction, make sure they all face north when you place them. If you wanted to make a 2x2 pit for example you would need to place a 'mine_pit_corner_NE' (NE for north-east) in the upper right corner, 'mine_pit_corner_SE' in the lower right corner and 'NW' and 'SW' pits in the upper and lower left corner. You need to do the same for the shafts in the floor below the tiles.
= Terms of Use =
The mine tileset is a modders resource. I only ask for three things if you want to mod with it:
1. Give credits.
2. Don't upload this asset package to other sites without permission.
3. Use the assets only in Grimrock mods and don't try to sell them.
= Changelog =
- fixed bug where you couldn't place items in front of alcoves that are facing east or west
- fixed bug that would crash the editor when you tried to place some of the pit tileset models