Grim Dawn

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About this mod

Installation: Copy two Folders: "mods" "settings" to the place with the game installed and replace the whole. Thank you and support me! :):)

Due to the experience gain differences between main campaign and this mod I would recommend making a fresh custom character and avoid moving characters from save files to avoid conflictions.

Permissions and credits
This is a read package created from scratch without using any other project!
Only Supports v1.1.5.2  - 64bit
Requirements: The mod only works correctly with the "Forgotten Gods Expansion" and "Ashes Of Malmouth" add-ons and version v1.1.5.2. These are the minimum criteria!

Works fine with... Mod was created based on all released add-ons. So it's compatible with all the add-ons listed!
- Grim Dawn - Crucible Mode 
- Grim Dawn - Steam Loyalist 
- Grim Dawn - Loyalist Package 
- Grim Dawn - Ashes Of Malmouth 
- Grim Dawn - Forgotten Gods Expansion 
- Grim Dawn - Steam Loyalist Items Pack 2 
- Grim Dawn - Massively Stylish Powdered Wig

Due to the experience gain differences between main campaign and this mod I would recommend making a fresh custom character and avoid moving characters from save files to avoid conflictions.

To make sure the mod is installed correctly you should run the game > go to the main menu > choose custom game and not main campaign. under custom game you will see a list of installed mods.   I recommend playing at the elite or higher difficulty level !

This Mod allows you to expand your wings! The changes only add new elements to the original game :)
Some modifications are gaining popularity and sometimes also support of the creators of the original game, thanks to which they are published as official additions or products. I cordially invite you to play!

Ten Mod pozwala ci rozwinąć twoje skrzydła! Zmiany dodają jedynie nowe elementy do oryginalnej gry:)
Niektóre modyfikacje zyskują dużą popularność i czasem także wsparcie twórców oryginalnej gry, dzięki czemu zostają wydawane jako oficjalne dodatki bądź produkty. Serdecznie zapraszam do zabawy!
I gave my heart to the modifications, give me a chance to support me and vote! I left some distance so that it wasn't easy ... 
the files were edited from version v1.1.5.2. My modification will improve your life! :) greetings
Not bad, not everything seems simple, it works hard. The game is becoming somewhat demanding now! This is the first exceptional mode of its kind!

W modyfikacje oddałem całe serce , daj mi szanse wspieraj mnie i zagłosuj ! po części zostawiłem dystans żeby nie było wszystko proste ... 
pliki zostały edytowane z werjsji v1.1.5.2. Moja modyfikacja ulepszy wam zycie ! :) pozdrawiam

Maksymalny poziom został zwiększony z 85 na 100.
Maximum level has been increased from 85 to 100.
Punkty umiejętności na poziom zostały zwiększone do 5.
Skillpoints per level have been increased to 5 list below. 
-5 points per level for level 2 to 25
-4 points per level for level 26 to 50
-3 points per level for level 51 to 75
-2 points per level for level 76 to 100
Doświadczenie zostało nieco zmniejszone. W oryginale było zdecydowanie za szybko.
Experience has been slightly reduced. In the Original it was definitely too fast.
Mob and Champion density increased
Maksymalna możliwa liczba punktów oddania, którą możesz zdobyć jest to 144 zamiast 50!
Devotion Increased to 144 points total, instead of 50.
Gracze zdobywają 2 punkty atrybutów za każdy poziom zamiast 1. 
Players earn 2 attribute points for each level instead of 1.
Każdy punkt zwiększa statystyki o 6 zamiast 8.
Each point increases statistics by 6 instead of 8.
Zwiększa się przyrost zdrowia na punkt budowy ciała. 
(6 punktów w ciele daje 28 punktów życia zamiast 8 punktów dających 20 punktów życia).
The increase in health per body build point increases. 
(6 points in the body gives 28 life points instead of 8 points giving 20 life points).
Wzrasta zysk energii za punkt Ducha. 
(6 punktów w duchu daje 20 energii zamiast 8 punktów dających 16 energii).
The energy gain grows as a point of the Spirit.
(6 points in the spirit gives 20 energy instead of 8 points giving 16 energy).
Kamera - Zwiększono powiększenie i zwiększono przybliżenie.
Zoom camera increased and approximation increased.  File: "gameengine.dbr"
Specialny Bonus dla początkujących graczy ;)  File: "mq_wakingtomisery.qst"
Special Bonus for beginner players;) I invite you to try :D
Odrobine Zwieszkony drop z Gotówką, wypada trochę więcej!
A bit of a big drop with cash. [with balance]
Powiększone Inventory na full gra jest znacznie teraz przyjemniejsza!
Enlarged Inventory for full game is much more enjoyable now! :D
Magazyn stabilny „Aktualizacja Magazynu” nowa grafika! Zwiększony Magazyn. 
Stable Magazine "Warehouse Updated" new graphics!
File: "gameengine.dbr"  Big Game Core changes! scripts..
spawnMin , 2x 4x 6x
spawnMax, 4x 6x 8x
championMin, 3x 4x 6x
championMax,4x 6x 8x
-Num.MonsterRaces 17 not 16
-PlayerRunSpeedCapMax = 150       not 135
-PlayerSpellCastSpeedCapMax = 200
-PlayerAttackSpeedCapMax = 250    not 200
-Fix CameraDistance min10 max54   not 20/48
-ArmorDefensiveAbsorption 60 not70
-ModerateRange 10.0 not 9,0
-LongRange     16.0 not 15
-MaximumRange  22.0 not 18
-DwWeaponDamageFactor 1.0
-DwWeaponSpeedFactor  0.5
-2hWeaponDamageFactor 1.2
-AbsoluteRunSpeedCapMin 40. 35. 30.
-AbsoluteRunSpeedCapMax 450.0 not 350.0
-MaxRotationSpeed 18 not 16
-MaxPlayerRotationSpeed 45  not 30
-RedemptionMultiplier 0.8   not 0.5
-MonsterLevelGapFixer 0;5;8 not 0;5;7 
-MonsterRunSpeedCapMin 24.0 34.0 44.0
-MonsterSpellCastSpeedCapMin 24.0 34.0 44.0
-MonsterAttackSpeedCapMin    24.0 34.0 44.0
-DamageMagnitude 88.0 not 100.0
-RarePrefixNormalSuffixEliteModifierChampionChest 850.0 not 750
-NormalPrefixRareSuffixEliteModifierChampionChest 850.0 not 750
-RarePrefixOnlyUltimateModifierHero 9000.0
-RareSuffixOnlyUltimateModifierHero 9000.0
-RarePrefixOnlyUltimateModifierBoss 2000.0
-RareSuffixOnlyUltimateModifierBoss 2000.0   More...
Wszystkie aury zostały zmienione na maksymalnie 25 jardów, teraz zabawa w grupie jest znacznie przyjemniejsza.
Aury otrzymały również wiele poprawek, co czyni je bardziej pożądanymi.
All Auras have been changed to be a maximum of 25 yards to make ranged chars in multiplayer able to be supported even farther away
Auras have also received a bunch of tweaks making them a bit more desirable.

-Skill Name: Field Command. Range 25m.
-Skill Name: Flame Touched. Range 25m.
-Skill Name: Blood of Dreeg. Active 45sec Cooldown Time 60sec. Range 25m.
-Skill Name: Pneumatic Burst. Active 45sec Cooldown Time 60sec. Range 25m.
-Skill Name: Iskandra's Elemental Exchange. Range 25m.
-Skill Name: Mogdrogen's Pact. Target radius 25m.
-Skill Name: Aura of Conviction. Range 25m.
-Skill Name: Word of Renewal. Active 45sec Cooldown Time 60sec. Range 25m.
-Skill Name: Presence of Virtue. Range 25m.
Została dodana nowa muzyka, sporego zestawu nowych utworów dobranych tak aby pasowały do klimatu Grim Dawn 
Nowa muzyka nie zastępuje starej i zamiast tego dodatkowe utwory są wprowadzane do puli już istniejących.
New music has been added, a large set of new songs selected to match the climate of Grim Dawn
New music does not replace the old one and instead, additional songs are added to the existing ones.
Wszystkie Kaplice dają 2 punkty a nie 1 :D są bardziej pożądane.
All Chapels give 2 points, not 1 are more desirable!
Increasing the grave at the chapels minimum 4 max 8
Reputacja frakcji na poziom została zmniejszona!
Przykład frakcja: Diabelskie przejście, wymaganych punktów do poziomu to 1500! teraz zmiana 1000 jest znacznie lepiej.
Faction reputation per level has been reduced!
Example faction: Devil's passage, the required points to level is 1500! now the 1000 change is much better. it is better balanced
Kraft Relic! zwiększona ilość od 1 do 2 jest lepiej!
Craft Relic! a quantity from 1 to 2 it's better :)
Craft Zmiejszone koszty Artefakt Stwórz ilość z 1 na 2.
The cost of creating an artifact reduced!
Artifact Create a quantity from 1 to 2, Craft Lower costs ...
Sklepy sprzedają więcej i mają większe zapasy.
Stores sell more and have increased stocks.
Wszystkie oleje, mikstury i maści mają dłuższą żywotność i są odpowiednio wyważone.
All Oils, Potions and Ointments have an extended life and are properly balanced.
-Balanced masses, oils, mixtures. The entire Skills Folder made from scratch!...
Frostguard Tincture 15sec.
Slithblood Tincture 15sec.
Wrath of the Beast Tincture 15sec.
Blade-Ward Tincture 15sec.
Cursed Tincture 15sec.
Aether Cluster 15sec
Courageous Tincture 30sec.
Burrwitch Brew 600sec. = 10min!
Spiritbane Ointment 600sec.
Bloodbound Ointment 600sec.
Frostshroud Ointment 600sec.
Flamedrinker Ointment 600sec.
Hoarfrost Ointment 600sec.
Stormshroud Ointment 600sec.
Venomguard Ointment 600sec.
Royal Jelly Balm 600sec.
Royal Jelly Essence 600sec.
Royal Jelly Extract 600sec.
Royal Jelly Ointment 600sec.
Royal Jelly Salve 600sec.
Deathwhisper Ointment 600sec.
item_blank_selfbuff 40sec.
Bloodfang Oil 300sec. = 5min!
Dermapteran Oil 300sec.
Arcanum Oil 300sec.
Heartseeker Oil 300sec.
Ice-Blood Oil 300sec.
Kymon's Sacred Oil 300sec.
Lifestealer Oil 300sec.
Venomfang Oil 300sec.
Rhowari Oil 300sec.
Stoneheart Oil 300sec.
Hex Oil 300sec.
Aetherward Oil 300sec.
Hungerer Oil 300sec.
Celestial Bane 1800sec. = 30min!
Elixir of the Hunt 45sec.
Elixir of the Ancients 1800sec.
Elixir of the Void 1800sec.
Elixir of the Aether 1800sec.
Elixir of the Dranghoul 1800sec.
Elixir of Mogdrogen 1800sec.
Ugdenjuice 600sec. = 10min!
Ugdensalve 600sec.
Vilescar Ointment 600sec.
Exp. Potion of Clarity 4200sec. = 120min. not 3600sec.= 1h.

Contact:DISCORD "Inkwizycja#6258"
Contact:E-mail  "[email protected]"
Thank you and support me! :):)
Straciłem dużo czasu, ponieważ zrobiłem wszystko sam. 
Serdecznie pozdrawiam i zapraszam do gry. 

Correction Fresh files....

Upgrade to v1.1.5.2
Updated Magazine Ghost Grim!

Significantly increased iron bits drops.
Corrected decrease of the Currency of the game in order not to break the economy.
Increased drop rates on epics and legendary items,  Not like the old package! because it was exaggerated!

Character leveling has been reduced, you need to put some work...
file:"playerlevels.dbr"  corrected Path...

Balanced points per level so that the game is not very simple...
-5 points per level for level 2 to 25
-4 points per level for level 26 to 50
-3 points per level for level 51 to 75
-2 points per level for level 76 to 100

fixes in Core have been added:



 "playerSpellCastSpeedCapMax, 150" has been corrected to 200!   thank you for the reports!