Grandia II Anniversary Edition

Design Update - Try our new navigation

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Starting today, we're rolling out an opt-in beta version of the site that will feature a new header, footer and updated game tiles. The new layout features a minimal design that includes all the key features from the current version. If you are interested in taking it for a test drive, click the "Take a look" option in the banner at the top of the website (or click here). 

Once you've given yourself some time to adjust to the new design, we'd love to hear your thoughts. You can leave feedback by clicking the link to the Google survey just below the new navigation. 

Site Design Survey Results and Focus Groups

It's been a few months since we asked for your thoughts in our Site Design Survey and you've provided a load of excellent feedback for us to really sink our teeth into. Thank you! 

Overall the comments were positive. You told us some of the reasons you love Nexus Mods and gave constructive criticism on the things we could do better. Here are just a few statements pulled from the results:

  • Only 43% of users said they visit Nexus Mods from a mobile device, with an average review of 6 out of 10. We'll be looking into the improvements and feature suggestions you sent in while working on our new designs for mobile.
  • When searching the site, around a third of you say that you sometimes resort to using an external search engine rather than the one built into the website. We also noted some really good feedback as to where our current search can be improved. 
  • A lot of you really miss Mod of the Month being prominently shown on game homepages. We'll be looking into bringing it back into the spotlight in future revisions.
  • Many users have requested the ability to add more games to their favourites tab.
  • Users have also requested a better way of keeping track of their favourite content. 

We’re aware that there are other issues with the consistency of the site, and we will be working through these in the background. We have invested a lot of time talking to the users who were selected to join our initial focus groups about various ideas our design team had for changes to the site. We will be sending out invites to a few more of you over the coming days, so if you said you were interested in shaping the future of Nexus Mods, keep an eye on your PMs. 

Introducing our new front end developer

For a long time, we've been unable to give the front end of the website the time and resources it deserves. This year we have made it a priority to improve this with the aim of delivering a much better experience across the entire site. This is no mean feat for a design project the size and importance of Nexus Mods and we wanted to hire someone to work very closely with our designer to implement new designs and functionality to bring the website to life. I am privileged to introduce the newest addition to the Nexus Mods team, themagickoala.

Hi, I'm Rory, aka themagickoala. I started at Nexus Mods in June as the new front end developer. Since then I've been hard at work on the redesign, starting with this new beta release. Some fun facts about me:

  • I used to work in cybersecurity, but switched to web dev because I liked looking at the pretty pictures I made;
  • I've also worked in predictive analysis and in the automotive tech industry;
  • I eat JavaScript for breakfast as part of a healthy balanced diet;
  • I am literally a koala.

What's next?

This is just the beginning of a much larger project. Our beta section will be running alongside the current Nexus Mods site. This will give us the opportunity to share new features and designs with you. When we are happy that we have developed the core features of the site, we will review all of your feedback and look at releasing beta. This will be announced well before the full release to ensure we have covered users feedback.

The next release will feature a new login and registration system. Once this goes live, users will be required to update their passwords. More news will be announced when we’re closer to releasing the feature.

What do you think of the new look? Let us know in the comments below.


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  1. Pickysaurus
    • Community Manager
    • 678 kudos
    Update (04/09/19 9:30am): It's back online! We've made some changes that should reduce the page load times with the new header.

    Update (03/09/19 5:30pm): We have temporarily suspended the beta of the new navigation experience while we make some important back-end changes. We hope to have it back online tomorrow.

    Thank you for all your feedback so far!

    Update (30/08/19 10:30am): Based on the initial feedback received, we've made the following changes.
    • In the Mods section, "Modding Guides" has been replaced with "Mod of the Month" when on a specific game page.
    • The icons have been optimised to improve load performance.
    • Minor layout fixes.

  2. axz2
    • supporter
    • 9 kudos
    I dislike the toolbar that stays with the page when you scroll down.  On most sites I just remove them with an element hider but the notifications are on that bar.  I suppose I could do it anyway and just keep a separate bookmark for my notifications.
    Its not so much that its a bad implementation.  As these things go its not bad.  I just dislike the whole idea.  If I want to see what's there and its at the top of the page, I can scroll up.  I don't need it and don't want it in front of me no matter how far I scroll down the page.
  3. skywolle
    • premium
    • 172 kudos
    Since switching to the new website, I can not visit the forum anymore. The following error message appears: Sorry, you do not have permission for that!
    My question, how do I get the old design back?
  4. theodorebear
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    It's funny that your instructions for updating to the new password system says make sure your contact info is up to date, but to even check what you have on file you have to sign into the new system.
  5. Niborino9409
    • supporter
    • 119 kudos
    I love the new look. I tend to visit the site a lot with my phone and it has been much more pleasant. Takes a while longer to find the image section compared to before and such, but at least I do not run the risk of accidentally deleting some of my images or mods(I used to go through manage my X before).
  6. timulika
    • supporter
    • 9 kudos
    I love the new changes. I got used to them so quickly and definitely prefer them.
  7. EvilTwinz
    • premium
    • 29 kudos
    I was surprised and dismayed when the new web page was put up but, I have gotten use to it and I like the changes that it made. I only hope it can return and replace the current and older one. :-)
  8. deleted2770933
    • account closed
    • 81 kudos
    For some reason Nexus is back to using the older navigation and menus? I have to much nicer than the new design. Fingers crossed the new is getting ditched in favour of the old.
  9. deleted57226417
    • account closed
    • 0 kudos
    as someone who has been modding for 2 years now i can say that this new nexus home page is not so grate i cant get the old search pad that allows me to search or brows mods in mod categories which means i have to look up a mod then search for it i would proffer to have the old home page back it was a lot more simple and worked allot better.
  10. kurecore
    • supporter
    • 26 kudos
    I like the new looks and menus ,but its way laggy .. todays updating of mod and adding new pictures was real suffering :/
    Something that should took me 15min with smile on mouth,was stressing matter taking almost one hour
    Reminds me editing my mods on
  11. axz2
    • supporter
    • 9 kudos
    Unfotunately its not just the notifications that are on the toolbar but also search, and  the function to change games that your looking at.   So maybe I can't get rid of the toolbar.   I know they are a common way to design web sites now butt I really wish they were not.  Bad design choice IMO.