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About this mod

Adds 20+ armors into the game to NPCs and for the player to obtain. Can be used with almost all other big Gothic 2 mods and can be safely installed and uninstalled at any point without breaking the players save file. Translated in languages: EN, CZ, PL, DE (partial), the mod automatically detects the language of your game. Requires Ninja.

Permissions and credits
Diversifies the amount of armors that NPCs wear and the player can obtain during the story. The player can also trade their normal faction armors for armors have weaker protection but give bonus to crossbow and bow skill, making a ranged playthrough more varied. Some of these armors are given to the player for completing a certain quest or progressing through the story, some can be bought or requested to be forged and one can be forged by the hero himself. Helmets can be modified or taken off at the anvil for armors that have them. If your game is in a language that isnt automatically detected it will default to english. I tried to make everything understandable to the player, but if you have any problems with getting a certain armor feel free to ask. If you are playing a mod that rebalances armor values you can write to me and i can make an optional version with balanced armor values around that mod. If you come across any bug or issue dont hesitate to report it!.
If you like this mod let me know! I have more mods like this planned that add different armors and also some weapons :).

Should be compatible with most mods that change the basic Gothic 2 (ex. Minimod, LHiver 2.0 DE, LHiver 1.3 Pure, Alternative.), and is compatible with all retexture mods.
It is definitely not compatible with mods that completely change the story (Archolos, Legend of Ahssûn, etc.), and definitely not compatible with Returning 2.0 or any of its versions. Also not compatible with some mods that change the way core Gothic 2 scripts work, for now that is Nostalgic Edition. Also It is probably not compatible with LHiver 1.6 English, but i didnt test that out myself.
An optional version of the mod has been added to use only with Atariar edition, it can be found in the optional files section.

1. Install Gothic 2 Night of the Raven somewhere outside of ProgramFiles folder.
2. Install Gothic2_fix-
3. Install Ninja.
4. Download and extract archive from Nexus. Take ArmorExpansion.vdf and place it into Gothic 2/Data folder

1. IMPORTANT! Before you uninstall make sure you save the game while not wearing armor from this mod.
2. Delete "ArmorExpansion.vdf" from Gothic 2/Data folder

Damianut - Advice and help with coding, i dont think the mod would be possible without him.
Mud-freak - helping with compatibility and implementing localization.
_amelciax_ - Moral support, consultation of ideas and mod thumbnail image.
iyumichan - Partial German translation for version 1.2
Fgem/vladmihail - Inspiration.
Piranha Bytes - for Gothic :D

Assets Used:
Rolland (Modderdatabank) - Paladin armor models
Wenumbr (Modderdatabank) - Gambeson
VellSOMO (Modderdatabank) - Greathelmeted knight armor model and texture that i remade
MonsterMadness (Modderdatabank) - Various armor textures
dennis15 (Modderdatabank) - Paladin armor and Stewark armor texture
Waldkauz (Modderdatabank) - Heavy
mercenary armor texture
Awakening mod - nicer looking inventory models for some armors
If i used your model/texture and forgot to credit you let me know and i will add you here