Frontier Pilot Simulator

NMM now available for brave alpha testers

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Ok, it’s ready for testing. I mentioned a couple of months back that we were putting the finishing touches on the next build of NMM that will become 0.50.0. This latest build features a new feature, mod profiling.

Profiling is the ability to create and manage multiple different playlists for each game we support so you can switch between your playlists before running the game.

What’s the point? Well, if you’re the type of person who likes to do multiple different playthroughs of your game then it should make managing your specific mod lists for each playthrough that much easier. If you like to roll a warrior, a mage and a thief, for instance, you can create different profiles for each of your characters with mods specific to that character’s playthrough, as well as mods used by all the playthroughs.

Because this new functionality has required an extensive rework of how your mods are stored both within NMM and within your respective game folders we are releasing this build as an alpha of our beta. That means that, unlike our normal release method, we are not going to be instantly sending out an update notice to all users of NMM and we aren’t updating the download links on the NMM download page. Instead the direct download link is in this news thread.

It’s our hope that we can get a small group of brave and willing individuals to install this alpha build and let us know if they run in to any errors or glaring mistakes, and what those errors are, so we can get them fixed before making a general release. We’ve extensively tested this update ourselves on our own systems but we just cannot test for every single eventuality possible across all the thousands of mods available and across all the thousands of possible hardware and software combinations there are in the PC world. We need your help for this, because if we don’t get some help then we’ll release it as part of the beta and THEN people will be sorry if there’s major bugs we couldn’t find that break things! If some users are particularly helpful then I will chuck some Premium Membership time their way to say thank you.

If you’re ready and willing to test this build there’s a few things you should know. First of all you should hope for the best but plan for the worst and be accepting of this possible fate. The worst case scenario would be losing your ability to use NMM at all in the short term (hopefully a maximum of a few days before a hotfix can be sent to you). Next, because we’ve completely reworked the mod installing method NMM needs to completely deactivate all your current mod list and attempt to reactivate them one at a time. That should be fine for unscripted mods but any scripted mods you have will have to be reinstalled again (i.e. go through all the scripted installers as they pop up and choose all the available settings again). NMM will prompt you for each scripted mod you have. Everyone is going to have to do this anyway once we finalise this release and send it to the masses so this isn’t a special step for the alpha alone ergo the choice is really whether you want to do it now or do it later (or never update NMM again).

We’re hoping that this profiling system is pretty intuitive for the average user of NMM and that isn’t not going to need too much explaining. We’ll assess user feedback on this matter and work on documentation if necessary.

But without further ado and with ample amounts of warnings and gratitude the direct download for this alpha build can be found here.


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  1. Fallhammer
    • member
    • 18 kudos
    Any info about the 0.50 Alpha build update to correspond to the new site protocols? I saw Monday(today) as a possible release.

    Edit: it has been posted here:
  2. areeyanne
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    seeing as how the front page ate my post i'll try this here
    Installed 50 alpha, didn't get installers pop up for better vampires nor convenient horses
    Also did not get overwrite notification for previous mods having same files noticeably the skeleton files for placing weapons on the back nor notifications of Sacrament armor replacing the default Dark brotherhood armors
    Now if 50 work's like Mod Organizer and not installing everything to the data folder I can understand that. That being said the data folder is still full of mods?
    Also BOSS has notified me that all the mods I previously had cleaned with TESV Edit or run through CK to remove out of order sub records need to be cleaned again. TESV Edit when launched doesnt say anything about the mods in question having out of order sub records?
    This leaves me very confused as one program says now the mods are dirty and one program doesnt conflicting information is confusing.
  3. tonykuo0801
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    you gotto reinstall all mods
  4. cfdmedic
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I just installed this over 45.something and followed all prompts. It installed just fine and then wanted to launch. After launch and clicking yes to uninstall and reinstall mods, progress bar hasn't moved for well over an hour. It's stuck at uninstalling progress. I tried to launch several times after canceling but with same results. I wouldn't think that my well less than 100 mods would take this long. Yep just checked again progress bar hasn't even started after several hours. Cant get into the game at all now. with any choice at boot up.

    I installed the 50.0.1a version
  5. evildeadhead
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Can't get my game working right again since using alpha even after plenty of BOSS and TES5Edit attempts.
    1. McDefault
      • BANNED
      • 2 kudos
      you gotto reinstall all mods
  6. aggravated
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Literally a few hours before discovering this update I was thinking how great it would be if this exact function could be implemented into the next NMM build. This will solve a lot of hassle when it comes to conflicting mods.
  7. joetaiga
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Is this working with virtual filing system or is it still messing up the data folder?

    And if it is working with with virtual filing system, how does it handle tools like Bodyslide, Reproccer and FNIS which are generating files actually be valid for only one profile?
  8. RiffyDivine
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    Does this have a built in way to submit bugs or do I manually do it? Also awww no xcom on it.
  9. Redbeard007
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    I just downloaded this alpha build to my computer. I have one question prior to installing; Does this NMM 50.0.1 allow for the previous version to run separately without replacing it?

    When this question is answered I will install and try my hand at testing and reporting any errors/problems I encounter.

    If it is possible to have the earlier version of the current NMM running separately and this version only reading the data it needs leaving the previous version 'as is' I think it would allow more information to be accumulated prior to the 'Open Alpha' release when it goes to the normal NMM downloads.

  10. masterpoe
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    my load order in NMM was out of ORDER alphabetically
    with my  a-g  at the bottom - not sure why
    so  I bit the bullet and downloaded the much anticipated 5.0
    I'VE GOT THE POWER !      lol