About this mod
Makes Tifa beefy. New bodybuilder proportions for her default outfit.
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
To install, extract the "Beefa.pak" file and copy it into your "...\FFVIIRemakeIntergrade\End\Content\Paks\~mods" folder.
Bodybuilder Tifa mod "Beefa":
Bodybuilder Tifa (Purple Dress):
Bodybuilder Tifa mod "Beefa" (Wutai Dress):
Bodybuilder Yuffie mod:
Bodybuilder Aerith mod:
Bodybuilder Aerith mod (Cheap Dress):
Bodybuilder Aerith mod (FancyDress):
-FF7R must be in DX11 mode for 3DMigoto. Add -dx11 to the Additional Command Line Arguments option on the Epic Launcher.
-Extract the "Beefa" folder and drop the whole folder in "Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade\End\Binaries\Win64\Mods".
-Set "r.SkeletalMeshLodBias=-16" in your engine.ini file
-Install the BeefaShader.pak to "FFVIIRemakeIntergrade\End\Content\Paks\~mods"
-Replaces the model for her head, shirt/leggings/sleeves/shoes, skirt/suspenders/hairtie, and her body's skin. If you're using a mod that changes any of those models, it might get in the way.
-V2.0 Update: Updated mesh. Fixed jagged edges and tearing. New normal map and textures for muscle definition.