About this mod
Replaces Cloud by Zack, Sephiroth or a SOLDIER 1st class. 4 possibility of styles: Vanilla, Kaldarasha, Ninostyle and chibi Ninostyle. Planned to be installed with 7th Heaven or FR version of SYW.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
This is an update to PierreJsn's mod: "Ninostyle Sephiroth and Zack replace Cloud".
In this version the spaulders of zack's armor have been improved.
Each model has its mini-game version: Chocobo, snowboard and moto.
Each model has its own icon in the menu.
Add an alternate outfit for Cloud.
As an option, a save file for the 3 characters, giving them stats and materias equal to their rank.
Known problem:
1) Some materia animations are not intended for Sephiroth. Avoid equipping materias like Cover or Deathblow for example.
2) Sephiroth is supposed to be invincible so no animation is triggered when he takes a hit.
This version of direct folder is planned to be installed with FF7_SYW, it's only for the FR version
1) Unzip the file and choose the sub-folder called "mods" corresponding to the desired style.
2) Drop this folder in your "FF7_SYW" folder.
(For Ninostyle versions first install the Ninostyle mod and overwrite it with this one).
3) Then start the game with the SYW launcher by checking "use additional mods" in the "graphics and audio options" tab.
(For the Kaldarasha version check the box "utiliser les mods additionnels").
If your computer does not support 60 FPS (the fight is slow), copy the "battle 30 fps" folder after installing the main folder.
And if you need rename your character you can use the Save Game Editor Black Chocobo.
To uninstall, simply delete the contents of the 'additional mods' folder located in 'FF7_SYW/mods/modsadditionnels'.
For 7th Heaven
1) Unzip the iro file where you want and open 7th Heaven.
2) Go to your mods page and click on "Import mod" and select the mod you want.
3) click on "Auto Sort Mods Based on Category Load Order".
4) Play and Enjoy.
"Warning" the mod you want have to put before "ChaOs mods" or "Ninostyle mods".
For Sephiroth, just put "Sephiroth 60 fps" before all "Sephiroth mods".
Credit and thanks
PierreJsn for this mod
Ninostyle for his permission given to the author to use his mod de texture.
Borde and L@Zar0 for the logiciel KimeiraCS.
Satsuki_Yatoshi pour son convertisseur dds et son pack de mod.
Tetsuya Nomura for the illustrations of Zack, the SOLDIER 1st class and Sephiroth.
NEXUS and its modders for sharing.