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About this mod

This covers all the accessories, equipment, and weapons in the game.

Permissions and credits
This covers all the accessories, equipment, and weapons in the game. Updated for Dawntrail.

File size : 10GB download, ~27GB unpacked

You can find my FFXIV mods here on the Nexus or on Heliosphere.

I offer heliosphere because it provides automatic updates for small differences. Which is a better user experience.
Heliosphere will have faster updates.
I offer nexus because it provides full integrity of the file structure. Which is better for modders.


Everything I produce is open source and free use. If you appreciate my work you can donate to my kofi, but are in no way obliged to do so.

Future Nexus Updates:
If you want speedy low effort updates please use heliosphere as I suggested. There is even a tool I made to create a de-obfuscated copy of the mods. 

An update will consist of the Penumbra Mod's folder which you will OVERWRITE the previous version with.

  • Download Update, open the zipped file to Penumbra folder (e.g. "Kartoffels Upscaled Equipment Textures").
  • Verify that it has a "meta.json" file in it.
  • Navigate to the Penumbra Mod folder (e.g "Kartoffels Upscaled Equipment Textures"). This can be done easily by clicking the mod in penumbra and navigating to "Edit Mod" and then clicking "Open Mod Directory".
  • Drop the update in. It will be successful if you are asked to overwrite previous data (which you say "yes" to). E.g. "Overwrite meta.json with meta.json"? "Yes."
  • Then in the "Edit Mod" section of the Penumbra Mod (e.g "Kartoffels Upscaled Equipment Textures") click "Reload Mod". The version number should update to reflect the update's version number (e.g. "1.2.3" becomes "1.2.4")

Everything I produce is open source and free use. If you appreciate my work you can donate to my kofi, but are in no way obliged to do so.

Technical details for nerds: Remember mass is before I dedupe in penumbra so no it doesn't match the actual size you get.
ID = 19.5GB @ BC5 x2
D = 2.86 GB @ BC7 x2
M = 1.65 GB @ BC1 x2
S = 0.18 GB @ BC7 x1
N = 5.46 GB @ BC7 x1
ID[ type = BC5; scale = x2; upscaling = XBR_x2NoBlend+XBR_x2Blend for G, XBR_x2NoBlend for R]
D[ type = BC7; scale = x2; cleaning = bc1smooth2; upscaling = lollypop; downscaling = box]
M[ type = BC1; scale = x2; cleaning = bc1smooth2; upscaling = lollypop; downscaling = box]
S[ type = BC7; scale = x1; cleaning = bc1smooth2; upscaling = lollypop; downscaling = box]
N[ type= BC7; scale = x1; cleaning = bc1smooth2; upscaling = scalenx/lollypop for RG, scalenx for B; downscaling = box]

For more complex information please view the github:
FFXIV 7-0 Toolbox