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Platty Gems

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About this mod

Seamlessly making Fear & Hunger a SFW game, without breaking immersion, and while being compatbile with other mods and easy to install.

Permissions and credits
The goal of this mod was to make the game SFW, without the censorship being extremely noticable, like in the other censorship mods so far.

The mod only changes the sprites, and the background sounds in Cahara's memory, so it should be compatible with all other mods, as long as it is installed/loaded after them.

Reign Of New Gods - works with by default, and censors any new NSFW sprites in it.
Bear Girl - minor incompatibility, depending on which mod is loaded last either The Girl will have her black skirt in some scenes, or some creatures will be uncensored (for example Harvestman).

How to install:
Place the www from .rar file inside the game folder. There should be a www there already too.
When prompted to overwrite files, select yes.