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Aleph Nole

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About this mod

Preset made with Multiple options to provide a spooky VHS and CRT look. includes: glitchy and moving scan lines. optional CRT Boarder and VHS REC overlays. and Black and white mode.

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Preset made with Multiple options to provide a spooky VHS and CRT look. includes: GLITCH effect and moving scanlines. optional CRT Boarder, VHS REC overlays and Black and white mode. secondary options include Retro vaporwave sunset filter and Retro tint.

Shaders folder included in the download is missing some files.  idk what files are all missing so just install all shaders with the reshade injector.

Effects included in order from Top to Bottom: (DONT MIX UP THIS LOAD ORDER)

-Sunset Filter- (OPTIONAL)
-Retro Tint- (OPTIONAL)
-Filmic Pass-
-PPFX Bloom-
-Overlay- (OPTIONAL) Spooky little Surprise 
-TEST image- (OPTIONAL) VHS Overlay
-Prod80 Film grain-
-Prod80 Black and white- (OPTIONAL)
-CA chromatic aberration-
-Prism Chromatic aberration-
-Perfect Perspective-(OPTIONAL)
-Advanced CRT-
-Hot Sampling Helper- (OPTIONAL) for CRT frame adjustment.
-Layer- (OPTIONAL) CRT frame PNG