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Tips for boosting performance and getting better AA in Far Cry 5, plus my personal reshade preset!

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Before I get into the good stuff, please note: These are just things I've learned after tinkering around with Far Cry 5, trying to get settings I like. If find anything wrong or want to add information, just let me know!


My computer is not super amazing, so getting performance is important for me. However, I often am willing to sacrifice performance for quality, and thus info I have follows that. We don't need super high FPS, and my refresh rate is only 60Hz.

My system specs;
CPU: i7-7700HQ @ 4.10 Ghz
GPU: GTX 1060 Max-Q


Lets go through game settings I've found to impact FPS and be useless. But again, this is just what I've learned from tweaking, if you want good performance, keep running benchmarks.

  • WATER -- while playing in game, I found water to cause large FPS drops. While articles say it doesn't affect much, the difference between Normal and High caused 3-5 lower fps while running on high. I keep it on normal.
  • VOLUMETRIC FOG -- Put it on low. Unless you love god rays, which many people don't, turn it to low. The differences aren't major except you'll have less things on your screen and better performance.
  • AA -- Please, don't use TAA. The blur while moving is very large in this game, and I was unable to get rid of it. I recommended going to the quality section and reading about other AA options.
  • VSYNC -- I use vysnc, but the in-game vysnc option did not work well at all for me. I've found this to happen a lot, I don't claim to know why, but I recommend using your GPU control panel to turn on vysnc.
  • FRAMERATE LOCK -- Locking my FPS to 60fps actually turned out drop my performance by around 10fps. Again, not sure why, but I do not recommend using this.

I also recommend going into your GPU control panel and setting Maximum Pre-rendered frames to 3. In fact, if you have a Nvidia GPU it should do this automatically.


Honestly I've always found the Dunia Engine to have terrible AA, and it shows in this game. I began to mess around with setting my AA settings through Nvidia Profile Inspector. If you don't have an Nvidia card, hopefully you can transfer all of this info over to using AMD's control panel.

As I stated before, DO NOT use the ingame TAA, the blur while moving is atrocious, and partnered with a LumaSharpen Reshade standing still is also terrible.

Before you start messing with outside AA, download Nvidia Profile Inspector https://www.guru3d.com/files-details/nvidia-profile-inspector-download.html

First: Set Antialiasing Compatability to 0x00008000 (Far Cry 2). I'm not 100% sure if this makes much of a difference, but for me it fixed a major issue with antialising far away. And as far as I know, they are the same engine, just modified.

Second: Set NVIDIA predefined FXAA usage to Disallowed 0x00000000. FXAA will only blur and mess up other AA, I always disallow just to be sure.

Third: Set Antialising Mode to 0x00000001 Override any application setting. 

Now comes the part that depends on your system, and your preferences. Set Antialiasing Setting and Antialiasing Transparency Supersampling to your preferred AA.
To get reasonable performance I use 2x2 Supersampling with 2x SGSSAA. While these aren't amazing settings, it does what I need.

IMPORTANT NOTE IF YOU ARE USING SSAA and/or SGSSAA: Set negative LOD Bias to Allow. I also LOD Bias to -0.7500. People prefer different LOD Bias's, honestly google is a friend. But by doing this you'll begin to fix shimmering.

IF YOU HAVE BAD SHIMMERING: Go in-game and up the resolution scale. I set it to 1.1.

I've uploaded my custom Reshade. I find it to be in-between performance and quality. In fact, it's based off of a lot of others preset's, but with me tinkering with it.

I hope this guide maybe helps someone, I'm not amazing with everything, but I think it can help someone maybe!