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Created by
MohitkatariaUploaded by
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About this mod
Map editor with 10k objects, all character, planes, etc.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
Download Blood_dragon.rar
Instruction installation
Extract. Rar to far cry blood dragon main directory.
C:\programfiles\ubisoft\farcry3 blood dragon\data and unpack.bat.
Run unpack wait.for completion then copy data_WIN32 folder to far cry 3.
Biggest mod for fc3editor to show your creativity. objects from single player. download 1.0b fixed 10000 single player objects1. Main charcters(riley, Citra, hoyt, doctor etc. Villagers, Dj, Captain, pilot, dancer, skydiving characters,2.dlc content HURK, seto, hyena,white tiger. character 4.medussa ship(found in static vehicles\sea. 5.hoyt headquarters. 6. pre-order objects7. Lighthouse, tower(lod type but search Lego to wall over it). 8. More weapons, turret, cellphone, tablet, more knife. 9.nude, dancing Citra. 10.willis planes, rocket etc11.japs dead bodies, big statue. Installation divided into two partsPart 1. Extract file to main directory. (200+ more objects added in map editor) Part 2. DownloadDUNIA TOOL HRRE fc3_main.dat Just click unpack it also tick on fix fc3_main on right top corner. fc3main unpack folder (E:\programfiles\ubisoft\farcry3\fc3_data32\unpacked\tempgui\fc3_main).3. Open it u find graphics folder 2.83gb check via properties. If not unpack is not correct. 4.copy graphics folder to other location. (E:\A\graphics) don't use long word or long path. Only use short path for repacking. gibbed dunia tool\bin It contain gibbed. Pack. Exe something like that move folder containing graphics folder similar to creating patch file if u ever create it6.dont use packing via tool it may crashed. 7.after repacking data (ex. L. Dat/fat) rename to patch_ige. Dat/fat or sound_English. Dat/fat. Other name not working at all and don't replace with patch file. Move this file to main directory. Any problem while installing mod comment below.