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Testing extremely experimental (not released) 'player in driver's seat' - Driveables of the Commonwealth - Havok Physics Vehicles.

...and I chose probably the 'worst' vehicle to test it with, lol.
How in the heck is a driver supposed to see through that windshield, DM?! XD
(and I always forget to turn on the darn headlights, heh)

Current released Driveables of the Commonwealth - Havok Physics Vehicles versions:


  1. gabgone
    • member
    • 24 kudos
    the only downside is that the map is gonna feel even smaller than what it is now... amazing job!
    1. Qrsr
      • premium
      • 262 kudos
      You know, creation Skyrim like and even bigger world maps is pretty easy. Im pretty sure there are many people out there, how can create 1:1 worldspace which feel fitting to the core game, and connect NukaWorld with the Commonwealth for example, but also allow you to travel by foot to Far Harbor... this would be the logical consequence to this mod ...
  2. Qrsr
    • premium
    • 262 kudos
    The games i played back in the day focused on exploration first, and details last. The vehicles changes and additions are gamechangers with some worldspace additions already ! :) Only thing missing is ...
  3. Qrsr
    • premium
    • 262 kudos
    It just looks so good !!!
    1. BlahBlahDEEBlahBlah
      • premium
      • 416 kudos

      'Player seated in driver's seat' is still kind of whacky at the moment, but hopefully can iron out over time some of the kinks with it.

      Hopefully, also, someone offers to do a better sitting animation than just the vanilla 'Pilot' one for them ('cause I sure can't do animation myself anymore)...but we'll have to wait and see, I guess.