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  1. abborre
    • member
    • 22 kudos
    My feeling is, I wanna consider what the world we're working towards is, and what place humans should have in that world. Using automation to replace labor seems like it makes sense, but art is generally defined as the aspect of work, creation and performance that goes beyond being purely practical, that which is communicative, stylish. I think humans are already suffering from plenty forms of alienation, and I fear to imagine a world where everything is just a simulation of sociality, where never know if the people online are bots, where we engage with entertainment generated by AI, where the things around you cannot inspire you, because no person made them, so you won't feel like you can make anything yourself, and even if you could, you'll just be a less efficient alternative to AI. So I'm really scared in general for what effect this will have on our culture and psyche, when there are increasingly few things that humans are actually needed for or uniquely good at.

    That being said, I'm not opposed to any imaginable use of AI, I mostly just don't want it to become an excuse to not self-actualize by learning to do something yourself. I think when it comes to areas like graphics and performance, it's hard to argue against it's use. When it comes to voice-acting, I can see the argument for it, since it does empower people to do stuff they otherwise likely wouldn't do, but it's also ethically questionable regarding the real VAs. If AI makes more people do content creation, or enables them to do content they otherwise wouldn't be able to do, it's probably good. But if it ends up replacing human effort more and more, simply because it is easier, that seems to me like it could be very depressing.

    Even in fiction there is reality, the reality of other people's intention, knowing that other people made something it makes it relatable, whereas media that feels unauthentic and lacking in vision or care feels alienating, and AI media would be even more alienating than that. I don't wanna live in a world where I consume an endless slurry of AI-generated content optimized at every moment to appeal to me, I want a world of self-actualization, where I feel like I have reasons to put effort into something, rather than just being provided with the easiest possible access to something.

    I don't wanna play a game constantly wondering how much of it has been made by a deeply involved person, and how much has been generated. That'd be like watching a sprint race where some of the sprinters were cars in disguise, it would take the fun out of it. So if there's gonna be AI-made stuff, I want it to be stuff that's not very important to the end-experience, or stuff that's relatively intuitive to separate from the human-made stuff.
  2. hentaijim
    • premium
    • 5 kudos
    i think that the worst take you had in this video was your Ben impression. 
    1. hentaijim
      • premium
      • 5 kudos
      wait, no, your midwest accent is far worse.
    2. CSEPteam
      • premium
      • 993 kudos
      Thank you respected nexus user "hentai jim"
    3. hentaijim
      • premium
      • 5 kudos
      indeed, i am the most respected user. but in all seriousness, i do think ai is more likely to do much more harm than good in the video game industry.
  3. zaphroth
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    The use of AI to generate voice lines is groundbreaking.  BUT,  back in the day when I was involved with the Advertising Industry, most of the Voice Over Actors were demonic hellspawn diva's with god complexes.  If we had had AI capability to generate content we most assuredly would have been using them instead.  Not stealing voices but actually crafting a voice sonically that would be just this side of the uncanny valley.  Systems are available to sculpt unique voices that can be further tweaked to smooth out the rough spots. Pharyngeal voice models and generation can create unique lifelike voices in any language that is real or unreal.  This should be where the modders AI focus should be instead of 'borrowing' snippets of already generated voice lines and cut and pasting them into new dialogs.
    1. CSEPteam
      • premium
      • 993 kudos
      I'm not a big fan of demonizing voice actors because of the actions of a few you had back in the day, I have yet to have a negative experience with a voice actor. My not professionals act pretty professional. This is talking in general, I saw ALOT of hate messages towards Taylor and others because they're "greedy" for not wanting their voices used without their permission?
    2. zaphroth
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      Out of the 1500 or so VA's we used probably only 2 or 3 dozen were normal courteous and professional people.  VA's wouldn't show up at scheduled studio times, would only do 3 retakes and leave, came in with condescending attitudes toward the studio staff, weren't prepared, etcetera.  We couldn't fire them because the clients demanded these particular voices because they were recognizable and known within certain niche markets.

      But like I alluded to in my reply I am not a fan of 'borrowing' someone's previously recorded work and doing automated cut & pasting to create voicelines.  There are accessible technologies available even for the hobbyist that can generate customizable realistic voices that aren't limited to cut & pasting but could open up access to completely new dialogs that aren't encumbered by the questionable use of prerecorded works. ( which to me is borderline copyright infringement IMHO and probably could be actionable in a courtroom, not a legal opinion but from what I can glean from public cases.)
  4. 54yeg
    • supporter
    • 19 kudos
    Good job!!