- Refine results Found 927 results. 63122 have been filtered out. Currently filtering by: tags. (Clear filters)
Full Dialogue Interface (NewDialog English and CN-DE-ES-FR-IT-JA-PL-PTBR-RU translations)
Makes the game display the full lines of what your character is going to say in conversation, instead of just a paraphrase. It also revamps the interface so that the game will now display dialogue options in a list and use the number keys/face buttons for input, depending on your control scheme. Supports both keyboard and gamepad.
- 69.9MB
- 172.6k
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Full Dialogue Interface (NewDialog English and CN-DE-ES-FR-IT-JA-PL-PTBR-RU translations)
Makes the game display the full lines of what your character is going to say in conversation, instead of just a paraphrase. It also revamps the interface so that the game will now display dialogue options in a list and use the number keys/face buttons for input, depending on your control scheme. Supports both keyboard and gamepad.
The Mod Configuration Menu is a settings page for mods! It provides a central location for mod configuration, accessible via the Pause menu.
- 363KB
- 143.2k
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The Mod Configuration Menu is a settings page for mods! It provides a central location for mod configuration, accessible via the Pause menu.
Adds engine modifications to improve character creation.
Improved Map with Visible Roads
A much better high contrast world map with roads, topography, and waterline all clearly visible. Optional number grid and regions.
- 6.7MB
- 132.7k
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Improved Map with Visible Roads
A much better high contrast world map with roads, topography, and waterline all clearly visible. Optional number grid and regions.
HUDFramework is a UI framework that makes it possible for mods to add new UI elements to the HUD.
- 281KB
- 97.8k
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HUDFramework is a UI framework that makes it possible for mods to add new UI elements to the HUD.
Settlers should build their own damn houses (and farms, and shops, and...), you've got a Commonwealth to explore!
- 218.3MB
- 96.6k
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Settlers should build their own damn houses (and farms, and shops, and...), you've got a Commonwealth to explore!
Re-release of DEF_HUD and DEF_INV by Neanka with a combined installer package. DEF_HUD is a fully customizable HUD. DEF_INV provide many improvements to Pipboy, container, and barter inventory screens.
- 65.3MB
- 91.5k
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Re-release of DEF_HUD and DEF_INV by Neanka with a combined installer package. DEF_HUD is a fully customizable HUD. DEF_INV provide many improvements to Pipboy, container, and barter inventory screens.
The first, origin, and fomous dialogue menu mod. You will get a more classic dialogue menu, more user friendly with full-sized dialogue strings. Almost every parts of dialogue can be configured to Yours own preferences, as You like.
- 979KB
- 86.8k
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The first, origin, and fomous dialogue menu mod. You will get a more classic dialogue menu, more user friendly with full-sized dialogue strings. Almost every parts of dialogue can be configured to Yours own preferences, as You like.
A Holotape Cheat Menu that lets you add Caps, Stimpaks, any of the Crafting Materials, SPECIAL Points and More!Also available for Xbox One on
- 824KB
- 61.1k
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A Holotape Cheat Menu that lets you add Caps, Stimpaks, any of the Crafting Materials, SPECIAL Points and More!Also available for Xbox One on
Fallout 4 Configuration Tool - By Bilago
Tweaks various INI settings with a few clicks!
- 1.7MB
- 53.8k
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Fallout 4 Configuration Tool - By Bilago
Tweaks various INI settings with a few clicks!
Tagging items for sorting built using FO4Edit. Does not modify Strings. Includes tagging of dynamic names generated for weapons and armor with upgrades. Now compatible with armor mods that use the Armor and Weapons Keyword Community Resource (AWKCR) (like Armorsmith Extended).
- 2.2MB
- 51.2k
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Tagging items for sorting built using FO4Edit. Does not modify Strings. Includes tagging of dynamic names generated for weapons and armor with upgrades. Now compatible with armor mods that use the Armor and Weapons Keyword Community Resource (AWKCR) (like Armorsmith Extended).
The Extended Dialogue Interface removes the hardcoded 4-option limit on dialogue and adds full engine support for any number of player dialogue options.
- 264KB
- 44.8k
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The Extended Dialogue Interface removes the hardcoded 4-option limit on dialogue and adds full engine support for any number of player dialogue options.
Shaikujin's Better warning for settlements being attacked
Changes the 2 second message when a settlement is attacked to a standard message box (see screenshot).
- 1KB
- 35.1k
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Shaikujin's Better warning for settlements being attacked
Changes the 2 second message when a settlement is attacked to a standard message box (see screenshot).
A F4SE plugin that allows you to disable the hardcoded, vision-obscuring shader effect at various workbenches so you can actually see what you're crafting.Also allows you to change the shader effect for the Power Armor station and robot workbenches to a outline-only shader instead of a full shader.
- 145KB
- 33.5k
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A F4SE plugin that allows you to disable the hardcoded, vision-obscuring shader effect at various workbenches so you can actually see what you're crafting.Also allows you to change the shader effect for the Power Armor station and robot workbenches to a outline-only shader instead of a full shader.
Sequel to the Fallout 4 city-building simulator.
It's simple.It's clever.It's small.It's something you've been missing from the start.
- 9.7MB
- 31.0k
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It's simple.It's clever.It's small.It's something you've been missing from the start.
Adds 30 and counting brand new voice-acted radio stations to Fallout 4 made with top-notch production value. Mixed with over 1500 sound effects. Over 300 hours of new radio content. Features celebrities, stand up comedians as well as some familiar youtubers voices you've may have heard before!
- 5.8GB
- 30.7k
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Adds 30 and counting brand new voice-acted radio stations to Fallout 4 made with top-notch production value. Mixed with over 1500 sound effects. Over 300 hours of new radio content. Features celebrities, stand up comedians as well as some familiar youtubers voices you've may have heard before!
Tired of Better Recoil, Exceptional Damage or Poor Range? Want to know how much a Dense Chestpiece actually reduces explosive damage? Try some actual numbers on your mods!
- 1.8MB
- 28.8k
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Tired of Better Recoil, Exceptional Damage or Poor Range? Want to know how much a Dense Chestpiece actually reduces explosive damage? Try some actual numbers on your mods!
This is FallUI - Inventory. A optimized Fallout 4 inventory interface for PC.
A high resolution world map made using in-game distant land assets.