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About this mod

An attempt at an autosave mod inspired by SOT CASM - Cipscis' Automatic Save Manager for SSE on Steroids.

Permissions and credits
This mod is an attempt to get some of the functionality of SOT CASM - Cipscis' Automatic Save Manager for SSE on Steroids on Fallout4.  It includes some additions from my CASM patch at Diziet's SOT CASM Patch.
Thanks to tonycubed2 for being cool about it:)

This has been developed using an old-gen insall of Fallout4 since I'm doing a Fallout London playthrough.  The MCM menu does not behave properly but this seems to be an issue with MCM itself.
When selecting an option in the MCM menu it doesn't always refresh completely, selecting the menu in the left pane of the Mod Configuration Menu UI should fix this.