About this mod
8 Intense unique new storms added
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Czech
- Changelogs
Video below does not represent the latest version.
This is currently only compatible with true storms 1.3.1, Until I have a chance to update please use this temporary patch Located HERE
Installing with nexus mod manager is recommended
Otherwise visit here on How to install mods
Upgrading from previous version: Fully uninstall previous version before you install the new one
True storms compatibility version
Because both of these mods do similar things 100% compatibility can not be achieved
However this mod modifies no default weathers and 100% compatibility with all True Storm weathers is achieved
the one thing that can not be 100% is the chances the weathers occur for true storms I have created a balance with all the options of true storms
You will not notice a difference however keep this is mind
How to force a weather
Bring up the console by pressing ~ then type fw then a space then the weather id
Remember the first digits is the id of the load order for example if you are using nexus mod manager go to the plugins tab and look at the 2 digit number next to the Nuclear weather esp
EXAMPLE - fw 04000803 would force fire storm if the load order was in 04
The ID for each weather is as follows
000803 - Firestorm
00080D - Nuclear winter
000819 - Mind storm
00081D - Acid Rain
000826 - Ion Storm
000830 - Time Rift
000837 - Alternate Snow Storm
00083B - Heat Wave
Future plans
Currently none of the weathers have effects on players or npc's
I will be changing this in the future with G.E.C.K
I also plan on working on more weather's and options
Instructions on how to remove weathers
Step by step
1.Download fallout4edit located at http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/2737/?
2.Extract fallout4edit to a folder on your desktop
3.Rename tesvedit.exe to fo4edit.exe
4.Start f04edit.exe and be sure Nuclear weather.esp is checked (if you use true storm compatible Nuclear weather-TrueStormCompat.esp)
5.click the plus sign next to Nuclear weather.esp on the left to extend the tree
6.Click the plus sign next to weather in the tree
7.Right click on the weather you wish to remove and click remove
8. The weather names are as follows
CommonwealthNuclearwinter1 = Nuclear Firestorm
NuclearWinter2 = Nuclear winter
NuclearWeatherPlasmaStorm = Institute Mind Storm
NuclearWeatherPoison = Acid Rain
IonStorm = Ion Storm
NukeTest = Time Rift
NW_SNOW = Alt Snow
NW_Farland = Heatwave
9.Close the program be sure when it asks to save you click ok
All screenshots and video shot with Xtreme CinemaX graphics preset located here
Xtreme CinemaX