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FF97 aka PipBoy900

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About this mod

Hello everyone! This mod adds angel eye headlights and small wipers for the eye lenses to the regular Mr. Handy robots. The reason for this mod is of course the look of Snip Snip in the Fallout Show.

Permissions and credits
Hello everyone! This mod adds angel eye headlights and small wipers for the eye lenses to the regular Mr. Handy robots. The reason for this mod is of course the look of Snip Snip in the Fallout Show. I am aware that such a mod is not new, but I did it because I was aiming for compatibility with all Mr. Handy retextures. The mod leaves the textures and materials of Mr. Handys completely alone and is therefore compatible with everything that changes them. I also allow anyone to use the mod as a resource for their own mods, as long as I'm credited and no money is made from it.