About this mod
Ever been bothered by opened everywhere doors in you settlements? Trader comes in your camp and leave gates open wide for every single raider in Commonwealth joy and that pissed you off? Me very.
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Ever been bothered by opened everywhere doors in your settlements? Trader comes in your camp and leaves gates open wide for every single raider in Commonwealth joy and that pissed you off? Me very.
Auto Doors 2.0 uses a new way to automate doors and was rewritten from scratch. New esp, new scripts, some new textures, and meshes (well it's edited vanilla actually)!
This mod adds craftable devices that will allow automating your settlement doors. There are six main types of devices, some have a few types:
- Door Closing Mechanism - this device will automatically close opened door after some time. It's snappable to a wall and should be placed as close to the door as possible. When (re)placed script attached to this device will find a door and start continuously scan its status.
- Door Opening Mechanism - this device will open the designated door when it's powered, and close and lock it when depowered.
- Door Sensor - thee are two types of door sensors, one with internal power (Autonom) source and one that should be powered externally (External). The external door sensor will not consume the power unit but if not powered it will not work (mostly like a lamp). Both door sensors when attached to a door will continuously scan the area for actors (player or any other NPC) and when one approaches a set distance will open the door, once the actor leaves the range it will close the door.
- Keycard panel - there are three types of panels, each differed by color: blue, red, yellow. When attached to the door it will continuously scan door status and if it is closed will lock it to key. This door may be unlocked only through this keycard panel if the actor has a specific keycard. There are three keycards, one for each panel type. Keycards craftable at chem lab under UTILITY category. Limited NPC support. Keycard panel will unlock the door when NPC has an appropriate card in inventory but NPC may not understand it.
- Emergency Lockdown Mechanism - big metal device, supposed to be used on gates, but will also work with all other doors. Require power and wire connection. When powered on will close and lock the gate (door) until power is off.
- Proximity sensor - works as an automatic switch. Turns on when hostile or ally NPCs are in its range, and turns off when targeted NPC is out of range. Each sensor can be tweaked to react on hostiles or allies, also the range can be increased or decreased. Require wire connection.
All devices reevaluate their target door when crafted and/or replaced. The script will scan the area for doors in short-range if there are several doors found it will calculate the nearest. You can find these devices in Power->Miscellaneous category in the workshop menu.
Depending on chosen option while installation mod support vanilla doors, Homemaker's doors, and Snap'n Build doors. Mod also support pre-made vanilla doors from locations: Red Rocket, Hangman's AlleySanctuary, Tempines Bluff, Outpost Zimonja, Egret Tours Marina, Warwick Homestead, The Castle, Bunker Hill, Taffington Boathouse, Covenant, Starlight Drive In, Sunshine Tidings Co-Op, The Slog, Spectacle Island, Croup Manor, Kingsport Lighthouse, Finch Farm, Coastal Cottage.
Global variables for setting:
- AD_fDoorSearchRadius - radius in which script will look for a door. Default value: 350 units.
- AD_fScanTime - delay between door status scan. Default value: 1 sec.
- AD_fCloseTime - time that door closing mechanism will wait before closing door. Default value: 10 sec.
- AD_fSensorRadius - radius in which door sensor will look for an actor. Default value: 200 units.
- AD_fLockTime - time that script will wait before locking just unlocked door. Default value: 5 sec.
set [global] to [value]
where [global] is global variable and [value] is value. The value should be above zero.
Instruction for clean save:
- Uninstall the previous version of Auto Doors and any compatibility patches related to it.
- Launch game and load last save.
- Save game and exit.
- Now you have clean save and may install the mod.
Automatic installation: use any mod manager that supports FOMOD installation.
Manual installation:
- Copy .ba2 files to your DATA folder.
- Proceed into the Core catalog, choose the language.
- In the language-related catalog there is four esp:
- AutoDoors-Vanilla.esp - support vanilla doors only. Plus pre-made doors from Red Rocket and Hangman's Alley.
- AutoDoors-HM.esp - support vanilla and Homemaker's v. 1.33 doors.
- AutoDoors-SnB.esp - support vanilla and Snap'n Build v. 1.8 doors.
- AutoDoors-HM-SnB.esp - support all above doors.
- Choose one and move to your DATA folder, rename it to AutoDoors.esp.
This mod may support not only craftable via workshop menu doors, but also premade one. But for this, i need to add this door to the form list, so if you want me to add some doors you should provide me with it reference ID in world space or base ID. I will add only vanilla doors, and Homemaker/Snap'n Build doors as these mods will update.
Third-party mod doors: this mod also may support doors provided by other mods with minor edits and no incompatibility. For this third party mod's author should add to his doors keyword AD_CrossModUniversalDoorSupport [KYWD:xx3000807] from Auto Doors mod. Auto Doors, of course, should be one of the master files for this third-party mod.
Known settlement mods with patches
- Snappy HouseKit by robboten and kkthebeast - "Numerous (somewhere around 2000!!!) vanilla pieces with snap points..."
- Settlement Objects Expansion Pack by ccmads - "Obviously, this mod will add new objects (over 1500 items!*) to your settlement ..."
Dedicated patches
- Build Your Own Auto Door by Wolfasaurus
- Auto Doors - Renovated Furniture Patch by ViperLord
- Auto Doors DLC Unofficial Patch by ViperLord
- Auto Doors Patch House by joemitchell320 - whole bunch of patches
- Auto Doors Patch for PCDug's Build A Wall by gardyanakbar
Caprica Papyrus Compiler and Champollion PEX to Papyrus Decompiler by Orvid
Homemaker - Expanded Settlements by NovaCoru
Snap'n Build by ad3d0
[My other mods]