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About this mod

This is a growing add-on pack for SS2, with the aim of covering all the systems in SS2.

Permissions and credits
Blad3K1ll3r's SS2 Mega Expansion Pack

This is a growing add-on pack for SS2, with the aim of covering all the systems in SS2. I have started with building plans since I started this pack with my entry for Plot-A-Palooza, and once I have covered all the plot types and sub-types for each plot size with at least one plan each (I will expand this to have more than one for each later on), I will start working on some of the other systems.

Building Plans

  • "The Haven Shack Trio"
    "The Haven Shack Trio" starts as a cozy, candle & oil lamp lit refuge, initially providing a hammock bed for a solitary wanderer. Progressing to Level 2, it embraces electric lighting and introduces a bunk bed with straw pillows for two, reflecting a modest improvement in living conditions. By Level 3, this small sanctuary upgrades to a vault bunk bed with comfort pillows and a vault bed also with a comfort pillow, comfortably housing three souls amidst a backdrop of toys and Commonwealth memorabilia. Throughout its stages, "The Haven Shack Trio" symbolizes a beacon of hope, ingenuity, and a slice of home in the wasteland, evolving in comfort and spirit while maintaining its intimate, single-room charm.
    This is a 2x2 Multi-Person Home. It houses one settler per level (level 1 = 1, level 2 = 2 & level 3 = 3).

Nothing yet.

Nothing yet.

  • "The Gateway Tower"
    "The Gateway Tower" is a strategic defensive structure, evolving from a simple entry point to a three-level lookout. It provides a fortified gateway on the ground, with the upper floors offering expansive views for early threat detection. This tower symbolises settler resilience and tactical foresight in a dangerous world.
    The Gateway Tower stands as a testament to the resilience and strategic prowess of its settlers in the harsh, post-apocalyptic world of Fallout 4. Initially conceived as a basic defensive structure, this secure gateway has evolved over time into a formidable three-level tower. Each level serves as a vantage point, offering settlers unparalleled views of the surrounding wasteland, enabling them to spot potential threats from a great distance. The ground floor acts as a secure entry point, fortified to resist assaults from raiders, super mutants, and other dangers that roam the wasteland. As one ascends to the higher floors, the strategic advantage grows, allowing for early warnings and prepared defences against incoming threats. The Gateway Tower, with its blend of robust defence mechanisms and strategic outlook, has become a symbol of hope and security among the wasteland's scattered settlements.This is a 3x3 Watch Tower. It requires two settlers per level (level 1 = 2, level 2 = 4, & level 3 = 6).

Nothing yet.

Nothing yet.

Nothing yet.

All my mods.

Mods coming soon.

  • SS2 Loading Screen Project
    I am looking for ideas to have as loading screens from SS2. Please message me here on Nexus or on Discord with any suggestions.