File information
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Created by
LarannKiarUploaded by
LarannKiarVirus scan
Main files
Main file. v19.3: added ~33 new functions.
Compatible with the Next-Gen update for Fallout 4. (Game version 1.10.984).
Old files
Main file. v13.0: completely reworked the inventory handlers ("deep scan", find by name, ID (hex/int), arrays, etc.), native INI parser (check, write, read), decompiled the activate ("crosshair") target, added persistency info and many more...
Main file. v13.2: added Alias[] GetAliases(ObjectReference akRef) and DoArmorSlotsOverlap(Armor akArmor1, Armor akArmor2) (equip slot comparator).
Main file. v15.0: added 8 new: GetMenuTargetVendorActor(), GetMenuTargetVendorChestRef(), GetMenuTargetContainerRef(), GetKeywords(), GetAnimArchetypeKeyword(), GetAnimFaceArchetypeKeyword(), GetFactions(), GetPerks().
Main file. v19.1: restructured the script source files to make it more convenient for mod authors to use Garden of Eden; added several previously requested functions.
Main file. v8.1: added Spell[] GetSpells(Actor akActor) for Actors and Bool HasEnableParent(ObjectReference akReference) for ObjectReferences.
Main file. v12.1: added EquipNthItem(), UnequipNthItem(), SetEquipStateLocked(), DropNthItem(), RemoveNthItem(), TransferNthItem(), DropNthItemEx(), CopyNthItem() and GetEquippedItemIndexesArray(). PrintInventoryItems() received two new parameters.
Main file. v14.2: important hotfix for v14.0-v14.1.
Main file. v18.5: several code optimizations, improves the performance for over 100 functions; improved the logger; bug fix for EnableNativeEventLogging; added EnableLogging and GetRecipes.
Main file. v18.0.: over 150 new functions; 6 events. New event registration map, better logging, many "Set" and array functions like GetActorsDetectedBy, GetActorsWithPerks, EvaluatePackageForAll. (Compatibility remains the same).
Main file. v13.6: ExecuteConsoleCommand(String asCommand, ObjectReference akSelectRef = None), GetConsoleSelectableRefs(), GetCurrentConsoleRefIndex(), LogPersistentRefs() (with many filtering options, could be used as a help with save game cleaning).
Main file. v17.0: "big update", added 35 new functions; including verbose OnHit, CombatState and Cell change loggers, GetAllFormsByType(), Get/SetLoadScreenText(), (Actor) GetHeadAngle(). Contains minor bug fixes too (ReplaceStr, ExecuteConsoleCommand).
Main file. v17.2.: further improved last month's Next-Gen update for Garden of Eden. 23 new functions including SortRefsByCondition, GetRecipeFilterKeywords, GetStaticCollectionForms, GetEquippedWeaponRateOfFire, OnActivateGlobal event and many more...
Main file. v17.4.: ~ 25 new functions: including a lot of FindAllRefs, SortRefs, SortForms, Add / RemovePerkFromAll(Actors), Set/IsQuestFailed, GetCurrentTime, GetQuestTopicsBySubtype (decoded ~43 subtypes too), GetDayOfWeek and many more...
Main file. v13.3: GetNthItemRefID() (editor-placed and persistent items), GetNthItemPersistentPromoters(), GetQuestItemIndexes(), GetNthItemIsQuestItem(), GetNthQuestItemOwnerQuest(). New parameters for PrintInventoryItems(), QuestItem and DisplayName.
Main file. v11.0: added SetCurrentConsoleRef(), GetReferenceName() (to instantly find the proper ref name), GetRefsAliased (quest alias refs to ObjectReference[] array), GetHexFormID() (for IsCreated() too) and SortRefsByName (limitless possibilites...).
Main file. v18.1.: bug fixes for some functions; SetPlayerFacialComplexityTexture, SetFarAwaySkin, SetPlayerCharGenRace.
Main file. v14.3: added GetFormListFullName(), GetFormByEditorID() and GetFormEditorID().
Main file. v14.4: added GetFormListsByFullName(), GetIsFormFlagSet(), SetFormFlag() and GetFormFlagsAsInt().
Main file. v13.5: decompiled some VATS data. Added GetVATSTargetPrecalculatedRemainingHealthPercent() and GetVATSTargetHealthPercent().
Main file. v19.2: fixes a bug in the advanced Condition runners added in v19.0; added ~95 new functions.
Main file. v16.0: added ~20 new: many TerminalMenu functions: full control over entries (add/remove/edit Menu Items). UI functions: SetMenuPriorityDepth(), RefreshMenu(). Some BarterMenu specific functions like CompleteBarterMenuTrade(). Minor bug fixes.
Main file. v18.3.: bug fixes, optimization. (Completely rewrote EquipNthItem, UnequipNthItem, fixed a bug that could cause DropNthItem to return None if the Nth item was a persistent item reference).
Main file. v14.5: added 25 new functions: "Set" pairs to all EffectShader "Get" functions, GetProduceForm() and SetProduceForm() (ProduceForm is the item akActivator receives upon harvesting a Flora form).
Main file. v19.0: added ~45 new functions.
Main file. v18.4.: added SetDisplayName, SetNthItemName, Bitwise operators, Height and ChangeFlags set/get functions, GetVertibirdTravelRef, IsPreNGUpdate; updated Persistence and File Handler functions; also includes bug fixes and code optimization.
Main file. v16.1: added 12 new including FindAllReferencesWithItem() (powerful radius based ref search by inventory content), SetQuestPriority(), GetRenderedActors(), ObjectMods[] functions for references/inventory items and GetActiveMagicEffect... info.
Main file. v12.0: about 100 new functions, including GetAerialDistance() (worldmap based GetDistance() that ignores the "Ref1 in interior Ref2 in exterior" caused infinite distance), SetFaceTemplateActorBase() ("face swapper") and IsValueModifierEffect().
Main file. v17.3.: further improved last month's Next-Gen update for Garden of Eden. Includes bug fixes and performance improvements and adds UsingGamepad and more array functions for Outfit forms to help clothing and equipment modding.
Main file. v15.1: added 6 new: GetKeywordsByFullName(), GetHeadPartsByFullName(), GetQuestsByFullName(), GetActorBasesByFullName(), AttachModToNthItem() and RemoveModFromNthItem().
Main file. v12.3: added arguments abFlashlightOn and aiPerkPointCount for event callbacks OnPipBoyLightChange() and OnPerkPointIncrease(). Also added a new function IsPipboyFlashlightOn().
Main file. v13.4: introduces persistence manager (ForcePersistent(), SetEditorPersistence(), etc.). Fixed GetAliasX functions, added GetAliasID(Alias akAlias), SetTemporaryReference(), SetNoAIAcquire(), SetNoRespawn(), GetEnableParent() and a few more..
Main file. v17.1.: the "Next-Gen" update for Garden of Eden: ability to evaluate Conditions (whole field + individuals) on custom Subject and Target references from Papyrus, opening up hundreds of native functions and variables. (Plus a few more...).
Main file. v18.2.: hotfix for a very unusual mod conflict between the event dispatch methods for "PlayerAmmoCountEvent" of Garden of Eden (added in v18.0) and the mod "Bullet Counted Reload System (BCR)".
Compatible with the Next-Gen update for Fallout 4. (Game version 1.10.984).
Compatible with the Next-Gen update for Fallout 4. (Game version 1.10.984). v18.5: beyond all improvements from the non Next-Gen version, bug fixes for GetMenuTargetVendorChestRef and PlayerCrosshairModeEvent (these didn't work properly in NG).
Compatible with the Next-Gen update for Fallout 4. (Game version 1.10.984). v18.2.1: hotfix for HUD Critical Meter and Hit Indicator bugs. Disabled OnHitEvent logger because BGS has changed a structure in the latest Next-Gen EXE. I can decode that later..
Compatible with the Next-Gen update for Fallout 4. (Game version 1.10.984). Functions the same as the main version.
Compatible with the Next-Gen update for Fallout 4. (Game version 1.10.984).
Compatible with the Next-Gen update for Fallout 4. (Game version 1.10.984).
Compatible with the Next-Gen update for Fallout 4. (Game version 1.10.984). v19.0: added ~45 new functions; bug fix for IsInWater (which affected only the Next-Gen version).
Compatible with the Next-Gen update for Fallout 4. (Game version 1.10.984).
Compatible with the Next-Gen update for Fallout 4. (Game version 1.10.984). Functions the same as the main version.
This mod also contains 28 archived file(s) which are unavailable to browse. If you're unable to see a file you've previously downloaded, it may have been archived.