About this mod
An experimental approach to trick the game and free us from the disturbing elevator car simulation. When pushing the Elevator Call button player char instantly teleports to the entry/exit location similar to using a simple door.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
This is an experimental approach to trick the game and free us from the disturbing elevator car simulation and instead jump to the next level instantly.
By default player char teleport to a special interior cell once the elevator is used. This reference was blanked. Thus the game cannot force player char to teleport into the car simulation. Instead by pressing the elevator button the game uses the elevator jsut like any other door sequence, e.g. Use object prompt teleport.
Excluded Elevators
- Vault 111 Elevator
- The Institute Elevator
- Best load it directly after the DLCs. In case you experience any issues let me know.
- Can be In-/Uninstalled any time
Should work with almost all other mods. Except mods which add new elevators, these mods need a patch.
Affected Elevators
🗹 CELL [00070115] Financial21 / 35 Court
🗹 CELL [00080465] ArcjetSystems02 / ArcJet Engine Core
🗹 CELL [0004D414] zUnusedFinancial23 / Atlantic Offices
🗹 CELL [00084A56] BostonAirportRuins01 / Boston Airport Ruins
🗹 CELL [00048646] FederalSurvCenter01 / Bunker
🗹 CELL [0004ACB4] Financial14 / Commonwealth Bank
🗹 WRLD [00000F94] DiamondCity / Diamond City
🗹 CELL [000F7C51] ElevTransHiTech / Elevator
🗹 CELL [0601CE22] DLC04HubFizztopGrille01 / Fizztop Grille
🗹 CELL [000CD2AE] FortHagen02 / Fort Hagen Command Center
🗹 CELL [00039C9E] FortStrong01 / Fort Strong Armory
🗹 CELL [001BD54A] FortStrong02 / Fort Strong Sublevel
🗹 CELL [00164A88] GreenetechGenetics02 / Greenetech Genetics
🗹 CELL [0009656C] GreenetechGenetics01 / Greenetech Genetics
🗹 CELL [000291C9] GNN01 / Gunners Plaza
🗹 CELL [0002F73C] GNN02 / Gunners Plaza Basement
🗹 CELL [00184A31] TheaterHub360 / Hub 360
🗹 CELL [0013A2B1] InstituteCave / Institute Sublevel 21-D
🗹 CELL [0602B99D] DLC04KiddieKingdomTheater01 / King Cola's Court
🗹 CELL [000DCC23] ListeningPostBravo01 / Listening Post Bravo
🗹 CELL [00186CC2] TheaterMassBayMedicalCenter01 / Mass Bay Medical Center
🗹 CELL [001C53EF] TheaterMassBayMedicalCenter02 / Mass Bay Medical Radiology
🗹 CELL [0003DF34] MedTekResearch01 / Med-Tek Research
🗹 CELL [0007AA38] MedTekResearch02 / Med-Tek Sub-Levels
🗹 WRLD [00018AA2] Persitent Worldspace Cell / None
🗹 WRLD [0600290F] NukaWorld / Nuka-World
🗹 CELL [001F59B9] GlowingSeaPOIDB06Int / Parking Garage
🗹 CELL [0005C257] ParsonsState01 / Parsons State Administration
🗹 CELL [0004B4D7] ParsonsState03 / Parsons State Basement
🗹 CELL [0005FBB5] ParsonsState02 / Parsons State Insane Asylum
🗹 CELL [0005226E] Vault81Secret / Secret Vault 81
🗹 CELL [0603A4FD] DLC04BottlingPlant02 / Secure Beverageer Lab
🗹 CELL [0002A199] InstituteConcourse / The Institute
🗹 WRLD [03000B0F] DLC03FarHarbor / The Island
🗹 CELL [0601951E] DLC04BottlingPlant01 / The World of Refreshment
🗹 CELL [0007D513] TiconderogaStation01 / Ticonderoga
🗹 CELL [00017E4D] TrinityTower01 / Trinity Tower Mid Level
🗹 CELL [030054D9] DLC03Vault118 / Vault 118
🗹 CELL [000A9B62] Vault81Entry / Vault 81
🗹 CELL [030137CE] DLC03KyeBunker01 / Vim! Basement
🗹 CELL [03016E33] DLC03VimPopFactory02 / Vim! Factory
🗹 CELL [0006F0CA] Financial30 / Water Street Apartments
🗹 CELL [00070117] Financial13 / Weatherby Investment Trust
🗹 CELL [0006FE2F] WestonWaterTreatment01 / Weston Water Treatment Plant
For those who are interested, these are the transition cell records:
☐ CELL > Block 1 - 1 > 0021A107 > ElevTransHiTechInstitute > Elevator
☐ CELL > Block 2 - 9 > 0013FEB8 > ElevTransVault > Elevator
☐ CELL > Block 3 - 9 > 001C0F91 > ElevMinUseTransUtil > Elevator
☐ CELL > Block 5 - 6 > 000F7C51 > ElevTransHiTech > Elevator
☐ CELL > Block 8 - 7 > 0009BFFF > ElevTransUtil > Elevator