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About this mod:
First of all, if you have no problems with Oil Lamp Posts' light, then this mod won't fix anything for you. It only fixes the Oil Lamp Posts' "dim light bug".
UFO4P Compatibiliy:
Both UFO4P and this mod overwrite the lamp's record. Place this mod below UFO4P if you'd like to use this mod instead. I tried UFO4P but it doesn't fixed the bug for me. That's why I upload this mod actually.
Transfer Settlements Compatibility:
In order to export Oil Lamp Posts with the Transfer Settlement mod, craft a "Oil Lamp Post Switcher" at a Chemisty Worksbench. It's a "potion" item (Pip-Boy, Aid section). 1.Equip it.2.Open and Close the Workshop Mode.3.Export your settlement. 4.Unequip the oil lamp switcher. After unequipping, you have to leave and reenter your settlement and your Lamps will have lights again.