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Modern Firearms Leveled List replacement
Made by Tangent_24
Requires Modern Firearms from https://modern-firearms-fo4.info/
This addon mod replaces ( directly edits ) Raiders, the forged and Gunners LLs with Modern Firearms premade Leveled Lists, allowing them to spawn with MF weapons at least 90% of the time if not 100%.
Since the way MFs premade LLs are made this addon mod can theoretically cannot go out of date. MF LLs are made kinda like a pyramid, at the bottom are a wide base category ( SMGs, shotguns, handguns, Sniper rifles, assault rifles and heavy weapons ) which hold more LLs that are level dependent which hold specific weapon entries that are also level dependent.
Since this mod directly edits Raider and Gunners LLs it will most likely butt out any other LL editing/injecting mod.
Warning, this mod isn't for the faint of heart because MF weapon damage, use at your own sanity.