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An Outdated Mind

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About this mod

Perfectly Balanced Manufacturing introduces 1 new machine to Contraptions Workshop, the Bottlecap Plant.
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Perfectly Balanced Manufacturing

- Description -

Perfectly Balanced Manufacturing introduces 1 new machine to Contraptions Workshop, the Bottlecap Plant.The Bottlecap Plant allows for the manufacturing of bottlecaps from steel bars.
The conversion rate is 15 electricity/energy + 1 steel, 1 plastic and 1 (full) paint can = 1030 bottlecaps*. To build the machine you will require the perks Blacksmith 1 and Science 2.
Due to lag related technical reasons the machine creates a Caps Stash instead of creating the caps directly, this object can be sold or scrapped for 1030 caps.


I measured the collective weight of 25 bottlecaps with a not so accurate kitchen-scale, meaning that these calculations aren't the best. My results were 2.6 grams per bottlecap.
The length of a steel bar in-game is about 8 bottlecaps (22 centimetres) and it's width is about 2 (5.50 centimetres). Since the bar is pretty much a triangular rod I could calculate the bar's volume and then multiply it with steel's density (8.05g/cm^3)
That would mean the steel bar's weight is about 2678.6 grams. I've rounded this upwards to 2680 grams, divided it by the weight of a bottlecap and rounded the result to an even number.

- Requirements -

This mod requires the Contraptions Workshop DLC.

- Installation -

Unzip and install in fallout 4's Data folder (in most cases this is C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data)

- Recommendations -

If opening the workshop menu takes quite awhile I'd suggest downloading this mod as well.

- Q&A -

Q: Why does this exist?
A: Once I got the idea it kept bugging me, until I eventually put this mod together.

Q: Is this balanced?
A: Maybe, but probably not.

Q: What are these technical reasons?
A: Whenever a Builder produces something, it creates each individual item instead of a consolidated item/stack. As you can imagine this causes tremendous lag when the game has to account for 1030 objects that suddenly appear out of thin air.

Q: What does G.M.S. stand for?
A: General Manufacturing Solutions
Q: Why?
A: Because I dislike the name Schlocket.

Q: Any future plans for this mod?
A: Not really, maybe a machine for manufacturing bobby pins?