About this mod
Enables Light, Sturdy and Heavy armor mods in the armor workbench.
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This mod enables Light, Sturdy and Heavy armor mods in the armor workbench.
Requires the perk Armorer rank 3 for Sturdy upgrades, and Armorer rank 4 for Heavy upgrades.
Misc mod items are also created when replacing a modification, so you can downgrade a random [Heavy Chest] and apply it to that [★Legendary Light Chest] you just got off a gunner.
It works on all Leather, Metal, Combat, Raider and Synth armor parts.
This plugin maintains balance by adding perk requirements and reasonable material cost to the added recipes.
Compatibility with other mods
Unless the mod changes the armor modification record for sizes, you should be good to go. Known compatible mods are:
- Better Armor Mod Descriptions (download the Craftable Armor Size addon for added bonus)
- Better Armor and Weapon naming and sorting (Highly Recommended!)
- Crafting Workbenches
- Armorsmith Extended
- Legendary Modification
New optional plugin: Fix Material Perk Requirements
When it comes to material upgrades, the game uses different recipes for the same material mod, based on the size of the armor, with different requirements.
Each recipe applies the same mod, with the same crafting materials. The only difference is that applying the same exact mod on a heavy version, rather than light, has different perk requirements.
The game however does not stop you from moving the same mod between sizes.
You want to upgrade your heavy legendary leather piece to "shadowed".
You do not have the requirement to upgrade heavy leather to shadowed (it requires Armorer 04).
You can however, without an issue, upgrade a light leather to shadowed (it requires Armorer 01), detach the mod, and attach it to your legendary heavy piece.
It doesn't even have anything to do with being able to craft size upgrades, this is just a broken vanilla behavior.
This optional plugin gets rid of the extra recipes for medium and heavy, and only uses the recipe for the light version, thus removing the unnecessary step the game forces you to take.
Q: The perk requirements for Leather and Raider are too high, can you lower them?
A: It cannot be done without breaking balance. The perk requirements are there mostly for level capping your ability to upgrade armor.
In vanilla you have the ability to get Sturdy Leather as a drop starting at level 16, and Heavy at level 31. This mod requires Armorer03 (lvl 25) and Armorer04 (lvl 39) for Sturdy and Heavy respectively. Armorer02 is level 13, so if I lower the requirements you could craft Sturdy Leather before you can even get it as a drop, which is something I want to avoid.
I'm not saying that I agree with the base armor progression, but this mod wants to stick to vanilla progression as much as possible. It's meant to integrate to the base game, not rebalance it.
My other mods
Paintable Helmets - Get your paint on.
Danse GTFO Power Armor - Get the fucker out of that fucking power armor.
Ultra Widescreen Patches - Play with a non-broken 21:9 interface.
Technical Stuff
The game only uses one reference for each piece of armor of a specific type (Combat, Leather, ...). The Light, Medium (Sturdy) and Heavy variants are just mods applied randomly to them (depending on player level). I added recipes for these previously uncraftable upgrades, and made these mods generate the misc item that you can reuse on other pieces of armor of the same type, just like with any other vanilla armor mod.
Made with fo4edit.