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About this mod

Adds miners, refineries, and assemblers to the contraptions DLC allowing players to create factories and manufacturing plants that are completely self sustaining.

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Requires Fallout 4 ver or above.

I always found it annoying that Fallout 4's contraptions DLC was very lacking in terms of being able to make a smooth factory that could be self sustaining. It wasn't until I played Factorio when I realised what Fallout 4 needed: miners. This mod aims to bring a little bit of Factorio into Fallout 4 by adding miners that are capable of producing raw materials and ore and refinery and assembly machines that are able to refine those raw materials into more complex components. 

There are 4 miners each of which produce their own types of materials:

The Basic Miner - requires science perk 1
  • iron ore 
  • soil

The Advanced Miner - requires science perk 1 + scavenger perk 1
  • aluminum ore
  • copper ore
  • sulfur ore
  • asbestos

The Premium Miner - requires science perk 2 + scavenger perk 2
  • gold ore
  • silver ore
  • lead ore

The Exotic Miner - requires science perk 3 + scavenger perk 2
  • oil
  • crystal
  • uranium ore

Harvesters have been added to generate biological materials (it's a little unbelievable that the plants and hanging meat inside can produce so many resources so fast but then so are infinite materials in general)

There are 2 harvesters:

Creature Harvester - requires science perk 2 + scavenger perk 1
  • bone
  • leather

Plant Harvester - requires science perk 2 + scavenger perk 1
plant fiber

5 refinery machines have been added to refine different ore and materials into more usable materials:

Metal Refinery 
  • steel (requires 2 iron ore)
  • copper (requires 2 copper ore)
  • lead (requires 2 lead ore)
  • silver (requires 2 silver ore)
  • gold (requires 2 gold ore)

Mineral Refinery 
  • ceramic (requires 2 soil)
  • concrete (requires 2 soil)
  • glass (requires 2 crystal)

Synthetic Refinery 
  • plastic (requires 2 oil)
  • rubber (requires 2 oil)
  • acid (requires 2 sulfur ore)

Organic Refinery
  • cork (requires 2 wood)
  • fertilizer (requires 2 bone)
  • adhesive (requires 2 bone)

High-Powered Refinery 
  • aluminum (requires 2 aluminum ore)
  • nuclear material (requires 2 uranium ore)

an assembler machine has been added to turn refined materials into more usable components, it produces components in batches of 5:

Assembler produces:
  • spring (requires 2 steel)
  • gear (requires 3 steel)
  • cloth (requires 5 plant fiber)
  • screw (requires 3 steel + 1 aluminum)
  • antiseptic (requires 3 acid + 3 plant fiber)
  • fiberglass (requires 4 glass + 4 plastic) 
  • circuitry (requires 3 copper + 2 gold + 3 plastic)
  • fiber optics (requires 3 glass + 3 plastic + 3 silver)
  • balistic fiber (requires 3 fiberglass + 5 leather + 3 lead + 2 steel)

You'll find the miners and harvesters under power > manufacturing > misc, while the refineries and assembler are under power > manufacturing > machinery. The type of components the miners, refinery, and assembler produce can be changed using any terminal attached to them, however if you have multiple of the same machine in one connected system you will have to disconnect them from the system then change their settings and then place them back into the system.

I do also realise this is game breaking due to the player being able to gain infinite resources, so if you don't like that idea then this mod isn't for you. However, I have tried to make it as realistic as possible, at least as realistic as infinite resources can be. If you want to make this mod even more game breaking then you can install the optional patches that increase the speed of production. Remember to place them after the main file in your load order.

Finally, this is my first mod but I hope you enjoy it and I would also like to thank MikeMoore and Jeonos who created the miner model and posted it as an open resource here: