Fallout 4

Mod articles

  • Guide: Tweak Crafting Framework's features independent of savegames or playthroughs

    In the holotape you can enable/disable almost all features and tweak it to your liking. But those changes only affect your current savegame/playthrough. If you want a custom solution which will apply to all your savegames and playthroughs just edit Crafting Framework's plugin with FO4Edit. It's extremely simple and can be done in less than 10 seconds.

    Open CraftingFramework.esp with FO4Edit.
    Expand the plugin structure.
    Open the "Global" section.
    In there you'll find 16 records with the name "Dank_RecipeEnabled_XYZ".

    Just change "FLTV - Value" from 1.000000 to 0.000000 or vice versa.
    Save and quit. Done.

    To prevent updates to CF from reverting your changes do the following:

    Select all global fo...

  • Switching from another legendary crafting mod to Crafting Framework mid-playthrough

    First and foremost, uninstalling any kind of mod mid-playthrough is considered bad practice and may break/corrupt your savegames. Some mod authors and users spread the myth there's something like a "clean save" you can achieve in specific ways. But that's just a myth. Uninstalling a mod will always leave broken references and/or altered data in your save and there's no way to reliably remove or fix them all. In some cases they won't do any harm in others you have a broken save you can't progress any further a few hours later on.

    If you still want to try to switch from a mod like Legendary Modification, VIS-G Legendary or even Legendary Crafting Framework to Crafting Framework mid-playthrough here are some steps to increase the chance of getting a working setup after the transit...

  • Quick Gun Modification Description

    If you want to quickly switch between various ammo types, firing modes and sight zoom options this is for you. You can make those modifications in any situation, therefore it's especially useful in combat. The mod works with any kind of weapon whether it's a vanilla one or one added by another mod. The only thing required is a legendary attachment point which 99% of all the weapons out there have by default.

    The plugin is an ESL-flagged ESP file. It is handled like an ESP in your load order but gets loaded with the FE index and therefore won't count against your ESP plugin limit.


    You can start using the mod in two ways:

    You can either use the included food item. It gets automatically added to your inventory after leaving Vault 11...

  • Guide: Identifying duplicate recipes from other plugins that interact with Crafting Framework's legendary effects

    As stated in the FAQ article, paragraph 4, there are other mods that contain recipes for the vanilla legendary effects. Those can cause problems when used simultaneously with Crafting Framework (or any other legendary mod). This guide tries to explain how to identify those plugins and resolve the unwanted interactions.

    1. You need xEdit (FO4Edit in this case). Start it and load your entire plugin list.

    2. Once the processing is finished open "CraftingFramework.esp" structure and then the "Object Modification" category.

    3. Let's assume the Wounding effect is causing trouble, click on it in the left pane and then the right part of the window should populate. Below that, you can find the "Referenced By" tab, open it.


  • Guide: Adding new workbenches (modes) to the Universal Workbench

    The code of Crafting Framework's Universal Workbench is modular. That means you can expand the list of workbenches/modes in its list in a few seconds by using xEdit. No scripting knowledge necessary.

    Start xEdit and load both Crafting Framework and the plugin that contains the workbench you want to add.

    It's important that your new workbench mode (furniture record) has an invisible model attached to it. Otherwise, it will cause clipping with the Universal Workbench model. You can use the same invisible model I provided with CF and used for my own invisible workbenches, shown below.

    Once all selected plugins are fully loaded expand CraftingFramework.esp and then FormID, right-click on Dank_workbench_universal_FurnitureList and select Copy as ov...

  • Guide: Adding legendary attachment points to items

    Some equipment is missing a legendary slot, especially ones added by mods. This results in Crafting Framework being unable to add its functionality. But that can be changed in a few simple steps. In this example, we're going to add the vanilla legendary slot to CROSS_Wasteland_Ronin armour pieces.

    1. Open xEdit and load the plugin in question.

    2. Open the Armor (or Weapon) section, select the record for the equipment piece that's missing the attachment point and in the right part of the window scroll down until you get to the APPR - Attach Parent Slots section.

    3. Right-click on that part and choose Add.

    4. Double-click on the new NULL entry.

    5. Add ap_Legendary .

    6. Close xEdit and save ...

  • Guide: Adding Crafting Framework support to custom legendary effects

    If you're in the process of creating a mod with custom legendary effects or you're using one and want to make it work with Crafting Framework here's a simple rundown:

    Menus and first legendary effect:

    1. Select your plugin and CraftingFramework.esp in the starting screen of FO4Edit (or zEdit, but this guide covers FO4Edit only). Once the files are fully loaded, right-click on your plugin and add CraftingFramework.esm as a master to it. Sometimes FO4Edit requires a restart to apply the new master.

    2. Go to your OMODs (Object Modification) and in addition to the standard legendary attach point "ap_Legendary" add "Dank_ap_Special_Slot" and "Dank_ap_Unscrap" to the "Attach Parent Slots" entry.

    3. Done. Your mod is now able...

  • FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions


    I'm currently using another legendary crafting mod . Is this compatible?
    As stated in the Compatibility article it isn't. Use one or another, not both. And if you're currently mid-playthrough you shouldn't uninstall one of these mods to use Crafting Framework instead unless you know what you're doing and what could go wrong. Here's an explanation/guide in case you want to switch mods.

    Is it compatible with X?
    Refer to the Compatibility article.

    Additional mod slots won't appear or they suddenly disappeared and I can't reapply them. What happened and how to fix it?
    If this applies to all your items while you've applied a vanilla legendary effect it could be related to a mod conflict. Those can usually be fixed by moving CF furthe...

  • Compatibility - Crafting Framework and other Mods in Detail

    Crafting Framework uses the vanilla legendary slot as an entry point for its mechanics and functionality. Because of that, the mod is able to modify all kind of equipment without requiring patches for other mods or Creation Club content. But that also means that you shouldn't use Crafting Framework in combination with other legendary crafting/overhaul mods like Legendary Modification, VIS-G Legendary Modification, Love to Craft - Legendary, etc. They modify the same records. There should be no reason to use them simultaneously because all of their features are already included in Crafting Framework, anyway.
    When it comes to mods which just add some new and custom legendary effect you can use them. They just won't add Crafting Framework's additional slots and menus. A patch would be r...