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  1. sirlach
    • premium
    • 37 kudos
    Now part of the HUGE Sim Settlements Mega Pack - Year Three

    Please note the ESL version is not compatible with the SS MP Year 3.

    v3 Has been posted - Some Bed bug fixes thanks to @Pra and 2 New Job Themed plots.

    .ESL Version is available in the Files section. Use at your own discretion!

    How to access and use Intimate Places Plots.

    In your workshop menu go to Sim Settlements -> Residential Plots -> Residential Interior. Place down a Residential Interior Plot.

    Sim Settlements will automatically assign a random plot from the list of available plots or if you want to choose a specific plot then you can click on the ASAM sensor of the plot and select options. From the options menu choose -> choose building plan -> this will give you a list of available building plans that you can choose from. Intimate Spaces plots have an [IntSpa] prefix.

    The interior plot itself is still the same size but my designs don't take up all the available space. They only cover the equivalent of 1 standard wood floor tile.

    PLEASE NOTE - All IS plots are 3 Levels only.
  2. sirlach
    • premium
    • 37 kudos
    Hi Everyone. Thanks for enjoying my little mod. With the release of Sim Settlements 2 I will be moving my energies into a SS2 add-on in the very near future. This will be the last update for SS1 Intimate Spaces. 
  3. monteathegenius
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    This Sim Settlement Addon is the best one ive gotten so far. There is a need for 1x1 plots. This addon fixed my OCD on interior plots. Hehehehe. Thanks sirlach for making this.
  4. davethepak
    • member
    • 42 kudos
    Thanks for all your hard work  here - I have this mod on my "must have" list, and miss it greatly in SS2.

    Looking forward to when you have the time to eventually release a SS2 version - desperately needed, smaller internal plots of sanctuary.  

    thanks for your hard work.
    1. sirlach
      • premium
      • 37 kudos
      Hi Davethepak - Sorry I missed this comment. My packs have been ported to SS2 -
    2. davethepak
      • member
      • 42 kudos
      No worries!  

      I have your mod for SS2 and absolutely love it.

      Thanks for your hard work and contributions to the community.
  5. zed140
    • premium
    • 361 kudos
    Hi, can you add 1x1 plots like military barrack where beds are aligned together when snapped, like theses with a cabinet and a box on front of bed? Also a office guard post for interior...  Basically to create immersive military outposts, whitout turrets. Probably ss also require simple 1x1 decorative plots, like kitchen, toilet, ect useable by settlers, but without settlers assigment like markers, just for decorative  purposes, with or whitout bonus production (fertilizer from wc lol). The problem with ss mods is they are low themed.
    1. zed140
      • premium
      • 361 kudos
      6 month after, I continue to search for simple optimized space military like aligned beds for barracks, I have just these ugly plots... Managing house space is a nightmare in ss.
    2. sirlach
      • premium
      • 37 kudos
      Hi Zed140. 

      I hope to have some time soon to work on my SS2 mod and will take your suggestions onboard. 
    3. sirlach
      • premium
      • 37 kudos
      Hi Zed140. 

      I hope to have some time soon to work on my SS2 mod and will take your suggestions onboard. 
  6. tanypredator
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    How can I obtain this plots in game? There is still only 1x1.5 interior plot size.
    1. zed140
      • premium
      • 361 kudos
      It's just a turn around on ss plot, not really 1x1 plots. They have to be placed one over the other. They overlap. Also they do not snap, you have to tweak yourself with the other mod place everywhere
  7. SCWatsonArt
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Love this mod. I'd personally like to see them as random 1x1 plots (there's a militia plot like that), but aside from that, fantastic - thank you.
    1. sirlach
      • premium
      • 37 kudos
      @scwatsonArt - Thank you for your kind words. Really fuels the modding fires. :)
    2. Xanadu32
      • member
      • 5 kudos
      Seconded!! These plots allow Preston Garvey to bunk in his Call of Duty space in the bathroom of the old Rosa house! Endorsed!!
    • premium
    • 21 kudos
    What a fantastic mod! Finally makes those useless rooms in sanctuary available for SS
      • premium
      • 21 kudos
      I think it would be great if you did this for the other plot categories. There have been several times where I wanted to place a shop somewhere but it was to long and a bed in that spot didn't seem appropriate.
  9. chubjub
    • supporter
    • 5 kudos
    These are great there is definitely a lack of smaller settlement plots

    Thank you.
    1. sirlach
      • premium
      • 37 kudos
      Thanks @chubjub!
  10. H3xx
    • premium
    • 38 kudos
    I wonder if some extra snap points could be added to the invisible interior plot object to make it so that they can snap together on a 1x1 basis? That would make things much easier...
    1. sirlach
      • premium
      • 37 kudos
      Hi @H3xx. I will investigate what is possible.
  11. gpthree
    • premium
    • 36 kudos
    Are the edits to the Mining Helmet necessary? Is it ok if I remove them on my end?
    1. sirlach
      • premium
      • 37 kudos
      HI @gpthree. You should be able to remove them. I'm still learning the best way to work with the CK so appologies for any little messes I have left. Will flag for tidy up in the next version.
    2. sirlach
      • premium
      • 37 kudos
      @gpthree - I have cleaned the mod now removing the Helmet edits. v2 in the fies section. Thanks for pointing it out.
    3. gpthree
      • premium
      • 36 kudos
      Already grabbed it. :)

      Thanks a lot.
  12. Suvanto
    • premium
    • 8 kudos
    This looks very interesting. I am currently rebuilding my mod list and will give this a download and go, when I can properly test them out in the game.

    Small interior plots like this are a great idea. We have a need for those in settlements.
    1. sirlach
      • premium
      • 37 kudos
      Thanks @suvanto! Hope the new mod list is rewarding!