Other user's assetsSome assets in this file belong to other authors. You will need to seek permission from these authors before you can use their assets
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Conversion permissionYou are not allowed to convert this file to work on other games under any circumstances
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Console modding permissionThis mod won't work on consoles or would not be acceptable on Bethesda.net according to their rules
Author notes
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File credits
I have the following mods installed and some assets may appear in this blueprint. Kudos and thanks to the following for your excellent work!
Gambit77 - Thirdstorm - Valdacil (Armor and Weapon Keywords Community Resource (AWKCR)) NovaCoru (Homemaker - Expanded Settlements) mfree80286 (Vault 201 - Skeleton Crew) CoolerThanCoolestGuy (Enclave Settlement Kit and Colonel Autumn Duster) steve40 and FLipdeezy (CWSS Redux v2 - Craftable Working Showers Sinks Baths Toilets Urinals Kitchens etc) dinozaurz - damanding (Do It Yourshelf - clutter for shelves and bookcases) robboten (Housekeeping - Scavenging Deluxe) ludvig08 (NorthlandDiggers Resources - Animals - Landscape - Garden and more...) mcface (OCDecorator - Static Loot) xnjguy (Filled Diner Counters and Buffet Counters) LeDanseurFou (Vault 88 'More Room Items') kinggath (Salvage Beacons) ccmads (Craftable Vault Elevator for DLC) ??? (Coffee and Donuts Workshop Pack [Creation Club])
Donation Points system
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Version 1.0
Exported and done.
This is a cell from the Vault 201-Skeleton Crew mod designed for the WD Project. This cell envisions an Enclave hideout for survivors from their defeat in the Capitol Wasteland who attempted to recreate the infamous Squad Sigma as a special operations force. This settlement has 28 beds and loads of unused space for expansion.
Warning #1: this blueprint pushes the limit of my PC, and may overwhelm some older PCs. Before importing this, make a fresh save and maybe reduce your video settings. Eradicating some of the decor may improve performance.
Warning #2: NPC AI is badly broken here, so much so that I'd recommend using this as a curiosity or glorified Player Home rather than a working settlement. Settlers don't spawn in, disappear but are still counted in the total, and just stand wherever they are spawned forever. Other mods like my Enclave Radio eyebot that are supposed to sandbox do not. I have mods like DoorsNotWalls and Settler Sandbox Expansion installed, but they do not help.