About this mod
Not too much, and not too little, Icepick aims to be a (mostly) realistic winter overhaul for Fallout 4!
- Requirements
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Winter has arrived in the Commonwealth.
(Preface: This mod does NOT include winter weathers. You can use the vanilla weather, or the winter weather of your choosing! I suggest either Vivid Weathers Winter, Calamity Winter, or Polluted Climates: Winter)
Vivid Weathers
Calamity Weathers
Polluted Climates: Winter
Icepick overhaul aims to be a semi-realistic winter mod for Fallout 4, keeping compatibility, performance, and immersion in mind. Winter has arrived in the Commonwealth, so get out your favorite parka, strap on some gloves, and prepare to face the cold winds and icy landscapes. Covers the entire vanilla game, and optionally both Far Harbor and Nuka World DLCs. Though there are other winter mods out there, Icepick aims to straddle the line of realism, visual appeal, and functionality. Some winter mods turn your world in to a full blow ice cube, while others touch a bare minimum and look like the first snowfall of the season. Icepick depicts a frozen world, well in to the winter seasons, with varying snow textures and even mud and stones along riverbanks (this varies due to how the landscapes are painted in-game.) Icepick also features visually frozen snow with slight sheen in some weather conditions, as well as snowy rooftops all across the Commonwealth, from the downtown regions, to the small towns on the edges of the city. Icepick also refrains from including any sort of weather, allowing the user to decide just how they want their winter wasteland to look. I personally recommend either Vivid Weathers Winter, or Calamity Winter, but in the end, the choice is yours.
Alongside this mod, I suggest using Fallout 2287: Nuclear Winter

Drag and drop the contents of the mod into your game's "Data" folder,
and activate with the mod manager of your choice. Alternatively, install
directly through Mod Organizer 2.

Textures.com for some textures used in the mod
[color=#cfe2f3]Arisen1 for a few textures from Winter Wonderland (with permission)
Third Hierarchy for main menu and trailer song