Ever wonder why that locked safe behind the Police Chief's desk, or the one in the Prewar businessman's office always seemed to have some homemade pipe weapon in them rather than a proper store bought weapon? It bothered me enough that I made this small tweak.
v1.1 - Made some changes as suggested or requested in the discussion. Note that these are called leveled lists for a a reason, and you won't be seeing laser weapons in these safes below level 22. You will now however always have a chance of finding basic knifes, switchblades and knuckles in safes, as it seems reasonable to me that these items would be stored in such a spot.
- Added laser pistol to the short guns list
- Added double barrel shotgun to the long guns list
- Added basic laser rifle to the long guns list
- Added knife, switchblade and knuckles to both lists
Any container that was designated as 'Prewar' in the game files will no longer distribute pipe weapons.
The following will drop instead:
- 10mm Pistols and 44 Revolvers when a small weapon is called for.
- Hunting Rifles, Combat Rifles and the occasional Combat Shotgun or Assault Rifle where a long weapon is called for.
This only effects safes and containers that Bethesda specifically used the terminology 'Prewar' on in their files. Safes and containers that are being used by Raiders or Gunners will still drop weapons as expected, including the pipe weapons.
If anyone finds a container that's dropping a pipe-weapon and they feel it shouldn't be, please leave a comment with its location and I'll give it a look.