Fallout 4

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About this mod

A batch file which will add lots of perks, but not all, to the player character. Note: SPECIAL works differently in FO4, as compared with earlier Gamebryo games. Forceav and setav don't do much. You have to assign SPECIAL perks by reference number to get at the goodies they unlock. This script unlocks 'em, and more.

Permissions and credits
Urgelt's Perkmeister Batch File

PURPOSE:  Some of us are curious how the game will play when the player character
has a boatload of perks, far more than Bethesda Game Studios intended players to
possess at one time.  Adding perks via the console, however, is so tedious that it will
cause your eyeballs to sag out of their sockets and hit the table.

Urgelt's Perkmeister Batch File is the solution.  With minimal effort, you can pop a
boatload of perks onto your player character.  Ghouls, raiders, supermutants and
other assorted villains will never again dare to kick sand in your face!  Okay, they still
will, but you'll be able to kick sand right back!  And get a girlfriend, too!  Or a boyfriend.
Or a brony.  Knock yourself out.


1)  It will grant all SPECIAL attribute perks.
2)  It will grant many other, but far from all, perks that may be useful.


1)  Open the text file and scan down the list and delete perks you don't want.  Within
each category of perks (example: agility) the perks are in ascending order, so if, for
example, you want two perk points in agility, delete the perks below the second perk
2)  If you already have a perk and the script tries to add it anyway, nothing will happen.
3)  Action Girl is included in the batch file, but commented out with semicolons.  If
you want that instead of Action Boy, delete Action Boy addperks and remove the comment
semicolons for Action Girl.
4.  Place the text file in your FO4 folder (not the data folder).
5.  When you're finished editing the file to please you, launch the game, bring up the
console (~ key) and type 'bat perks' (without quote marks).  That's all you need to do.  The
script will do the rest.  Probably.


1)  Keep some backup saves in case this script FUBARS your game.  It's possible!
2)  I would not recommend running the batch file until after you have arrived in
the Commonwealth wasteland.
3)  I did not include all perks you can purchase with perk points.  I left some for you
to invest perk points in as you advance - though if you advance far enough, you'll
almost certainly run out of ways to spend them if you run this batch file without
4)  I deliberately did not include lockpicking, hacking or science perks in the batch
file.  It does not turn out well if they are included.
5)  There are many perks that are unlocked by in-game events.  I attempted to leave
those alone.
6)  If you run the script without modification, you *will* obtain perks before the game
considers you qualified to receive them.  They seem to work anyway.
7)  There may very well be typographical errors .  If you see any, please report them here
in comments.
8)  It's also possible that the reference IDs I am relying on (from Bethesda) contain errors.
I haven't noticed any yet, but it's possible.
9)  If an erroneous addperk script is processed by the game engine, it should either
ignore it or assign the wrong perk.  It probably won't break the game.  Probably.
10)  The reference numbers for perks are a bit squirrely.  If you see odd sequences
that look like errors, they may not be.  Run it and see if it works.
11)  If there is a way to unassign a perk point once it has been activated, I don't know
what it is.  If you're unhappy about a perk you've gotten through this batch file, your
only recourse, so far as I know, is to revert to an earlier save.  So save a clean game
before you play around with this batch file.
12)  If you edit this batch file, make sure your text editor saves it as a plain ASCII
text file and not some other format.  The FO4 scripting language only works with
plain text files.
13)  This batch file has not been tested with bronies.  If you decide to test the script
with bronies, please , please, say nothing to me about it whatsoever.  I don't want
to know.


At the top of the batch file I've included 3 script commands which have nothing to do
with perks.  They are:

1)  Increase the player's encumbrance (carryweight) to 5000.
2)  Add 5000 bottle caps.
3)  Add 50 bobby pins.

You can adjust the numbers to please yourself, or delete them before you run the
batch file.

Note:  there is at least one event in the game that will set your encumbrance back
to its initial level.  To recover your higher limit, bring up the console and type
'player.forceav carryweight X' (replace 'X' with the number you want).  If you DO run
the batch file again to fix your carryweight, it probably won't break anything.  Probably.


You can add your own console commands to this batch file, if you know a slight bit
about the scripting language and conventions.  For example, you could add 5000 mininukes
to your inventory.  ("I will burn the world!  AGAIN!"  - Toaster, FONV Old World Blues)
You'll have to look up the reference IDs and console commands for whatever it is
you want to do, but you can add scripts as you please to any batch file.

If you do make changes, and then upload your modified Perkmeister Batch File to Nexus,
please give it a different file name, mkay?  It'll be YOUR Perkmeister Batch File, not

INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS:  I claim none for this batch file.  Bethesda Game
Studios owns everything.  They graciously permit us to use their scripting language
for our personal use and enjoyment,  This batch file may be freely distributed or
modified for personal use.  I don't ask for any acknowledgments or credit if you
should re-use these scripts.


-- Urgelt

Edit:  Yep, you can remove unwanted perks using the console.  Here is the command:

player.removeperk (XXXXXXX).

It's possible to batch it, too.