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I speak Japanese only. AutomatronWheelLegs You need DLC "Automatron". ----------------------------------------------------------- Automatron用のタイヤの付いた足を11種類追加します。 The mod adds 11 types of "Wheel Leg" for Automatron to the game. ----------------------------------------------------------- => Added Automatron Legs Wheel Leg 1 wheel ver1 Wheel Leg 1 wheel ver2 Wheel Leg 1 big wheel Wheel Leg 2 wheel ver1 Wheel Leg 2 wheel ver2 Wheel Leg 2 big wheel ver1 Wheel Leg 2 big wheel ver2 Wheel Leg 3 wheel ver1 Wheel Leg 3 wheel ver2 Wheel Leg 4 wheel Wheel Leg 5 wheel ----------------------------------------------------------- => How to Uninstall 1. remove the this mod's parts from all Automatron. 2. Make a "Uninstaller AutomatronWheelLegs" on the Chemistry station.(Drugs) 3. Use "Uninstaller AutomatronWheelLegs". 4. UnInstall. ----------------------------------------------------------- XB1 https://bethesda.net/en/mods/fallout4/mod-detail/4032380 ----------------------------------------------------------- All modder can use my Mod's mesh and texture and script. -----------------------------------------------------------