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  1. dpillari
    • premium
    • 2,605 kudos
    What killed the Dinosaurs?.....THE ICE AGE!
  2. Spexta
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    After observing the screenshots, I have noticed that the cryo cell is facing the wrong way out of the cryolator. I kindly request that you may change the way the cryo cell is put in to the cryolator to make it look more realistc. I dont know how hard it is to do this, but i hope that it can be fixed easily. I also suggest updating the screenshots with the new version, in the case that you took the time to change the direction the cryo cell faces in the cryolator. I am aware that the cryo cell in the vanilla version faces the wrong direction too, but I think it would be unrealistic for the cryolator to work with the cryo cell facing the wrong direction.
    1. xXBalthorXx
      • member
      • 16 kudos
      There's another mod that fixes that, called Cryolator Cryo-Cell Fix.
    2. KINGFUXK1277
      • member
      • 0 kudos
    3. NooBzPoWaH
      • premium
      • 35 kudos
      I know i'm a bit late to the party but for those still wondering and too lazy to check it out, dixit wxMichael on that same Mod page and Thanks to the UFO4P's team :
      "For anyone else wondering, this fix is included in UFO4P as of v2.0.7 (AFKTrack Issue)."
  3. sigmaceti21
    • supporter
    • 31 kudos
    any chance you can add scope or reflex sight on it? 10mm reflex sight for example? pls
  4. nekris666
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    its just a shame that the cryolator doesnt have many modifications the other models in the concept art It could have been the weapon with the modifications so the weapons should look like that after.
  5. fiskin1
    • premium
    • 215 kudos
    The best Cryolator retex on the Nexus. Thanks for the hard work. I put this in every time. Been using this for a while but forgot to endorse, sorry about that.
  6. silencer711
    • premium
    • 97 kudos
    @dpillari - Made me giggle! =D
    "What killed the Dinosaurs?.....THE ICE AGE!"

    I LOVE it when he says that. It's so lame, it works!

    Reference: Batman & Robin (1997)

  7. Kiwihine
    • supporter
    • 6 kudos
    Awesome mod, could you possible add the key too? Makes the Cryolator look as it should be in its case, trouble with the story line you couldn't open the case without master perk locks, useless and I for one, do not like going back into vault 111. Hope you added the damage as its should be too with this if possible as a whole mod it would be complete for the game> kudos and thank you.
  8. User_43445182
    • account closed
    • 1 kudos
    This in an amazing retexture Dpillari! Great work!
  9. VinierAardvark1
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    After downloading this, I cant use the cryolator without instant CTD sans error message whenever I uninstall it to test other Cryolator textures.
    1. PinoyGamer111
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      May you have a mod conflict or something? Do you have mods that are potentially game breaking?
  10. Kirillazz
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    No cryo cell fix?
  11. Oxhornmovies
    • member
    • 560 kudos
    Thanks for the amazing retexture! I shared your retexture with my subscribers this morning. Awesome work!

    1. livipup
      • premium
      • 46 kudos
      Omg lol I actually watched some of your story videos for Fallout 3 since I never played it. I like the one about the Vault (11 I think) where Vault Tec pretended they would murder all of the residents if they didn't sacrifice somebody every year.