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  1. abignol
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    does this work with cbbe
    1. MageBlade
      • supporter
      • 6 kudos
      NOTE : I did not include CBBE preset because it may not suit your taste,you can make your own preset by installing caliente's CBBE Vanilla Outfits, It will include vault111suit mesh in bodyslide and you can modify the mesh to your taste.
  2. Hggh345
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    i have to download all individually yeah?
    1. Hggh345
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      the fomod thing too? what is that? am i already getting the suit in the other files? trojan? lol
    2. Cherman0
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Download either the specific texture you want or the FOMOD installer version, which contains all the textures and an installer for you to decide which ones to activate.
    3. moopheus
      • supporter
      • 9 kudos
      There is no such thing as a stupid question. The quest for knowledge includes failure, and just because one person may know less than others, they should not be afraid to ask.
    4. MageBlade
      • supporter
      • 6 kudos
      moopheus that sounds like a justification for a lack of common sense. If we put up a sign at the entrance that you have to walk past before entering, and says "do not fish at late hours" and you choose to ignore it, then ask "can I fish here at late hours?" it's a stupid question 
  3. PathlessMarrow
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Works with next-gen update.
    1. KaVaKaZi
      • supporter
      • 6 kudos
      Ofcourse it does it is just a retexture..
  4. Ste4lth07
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Does this work with the Creation Club Vault suit thing? Love this mod, and always thought these suits look better.  
    1. SonnyKyzo
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      It does but you'll have to rename the textures from this mod to match the other colors the Creation Club adds but even then you'd be missing a purple color and yellow color for the vault suit customizations.
  5. NivekRkain
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    it works on vanilla? or i need f4se? i want to play vanilla total, but i think this vault suit its better.
    1. Paedric
      • supporter
      • 13 kudos
      It's a texture replacer only. You need nothing else, and it won't even take a slot in your load order. I'm partial to the Proto Blue Hexa suit myself. Been using it for literal years.
  6. Wraether
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Its cool when u look at the TV Show, the Vault 33 suit is closer to this mod but recolored, rather than based on the vanilla Fallout 4/76 suit
  7. DierMann
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    My vault suit it cant be modded cuz it get a pink- ish color
    1. jaderiver
      • member
      • 126 kudos
      Missing a mesh, try re installing the mod over what your already have in your load order ..
  8. ampersammich
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Do the vault number replacement files allow us to remove the number entirely?
  9. efesvfwsfvsewf
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    im sure this has been asked a million times now but....

    why no Vault 88 version?
  10. Jokerx0923
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Hello again, about your mod: (Proto Vault Suit) Would you allow a "Standalone Version" of this vault Suit that doesn't replace the original vault suit to be uploaded to for Xbox players? All credit will be given with a link back to your page.

    I hope to hear from you soon!