About this mod
Re-Texture from Vanilla Vault Suit. Alternate colors available
Replacing Male and Female Vault Suit
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits

This mod will replace any default wearable vaultsuit in Fallout 4. Alternate colors available in optional download. Codes are below in case you lost them.
Bring down the console by pressing tilde ( ~ ) key and type
player.additem <item ID> <number>
0001eed7 (Vault 111 Dirty)
000976b7 (Vault 111 Clean)
eg: player.additem 0001eed7 1
NOTE : I did not include CBBE preset because it may not suit your taste,you can make your own preset by installing caliente's CBBE Vanilla Outfits, It will include vault111suit mesh in bodyslide and you can modify the mesh to your taste.
Recommended Mod
Vault Booty - Enhanced Female Vault Suit by calyps
Post-war Vault Suits by flaicher
Proto Vault Suit - Standalone by srcanseco

UPDATE 1 - Now include both gender. I hope you like my first Fallout 4 mod :)
UPDATE 2 - ADD 2 new color (Snow & Shadow)
UPDATE 3 - Minor fix & Different Clean/Dirty Textures
UPDATE 4 - ADD 2 new color (Stark & Nova)
UPDATE 5 - ADD 2 new color (Lambda & Marine)
UPDATE 6 - ADD 2 new color (Nova & Blue Hexa)
UPDATE 7 - ADD a new color (Shadow Hexa)
Comments & Suggestion are much appreciated.

- Open your Fallout4Custom.ini (with notepad) located in Documents\My Games\Fallout4\
- Add the following lines and save the file

Automatic Installation : Use NMM (Nexus Mod Manager)
Manual Installation :
- Extract the Textures folder to the Fallout 4 Data folder so that the
.DDS file is in \Fallout 4\Data\Textures\clothes\vaultsuit folder

- Manual Uninstall : Navigate to your Fallout 4 vaultsuit Folder
\Fallout 4\Data\Textures\clothes\vaultsuit
- Delete the corresponding .DDS files
Video Showcase by Merlimpt
Top 15 Vaultsuit mod by Tyrannicon