About this mod
The full area of West Everett Estates as a player settlement, additionally two interior bunker settlements within West Everett Estates.
- Permissions and credits
Before installing Version 1.04, make a new save game, pull all your items from the West Everett Workbench and stick them in a different container just to be safe, the workshop container hasn't been changed but the workbench itself and the quest controlling the settlement has, and its always better to be safe then sorry. After installing 1.04, go to the workbench and activate it like normal for a new settlement even if you've used this settlement before.
If you are currently using the old 'Playthrough Patch' please uninstall it prior to installing 1.04, version 1.04 addresses the fix in the patch, and corrects the additional problem for current playthroughs. Do to this problem the area itself no longer needs to be cleared before being able to use the workbench.
This was a user requested mod, A few people asked me to make this and well, after much work, and testing from Popay55, here it is :)
Translated Version:
A Translated version of this mod can be found at modgames:
West Everett Estates - Player Settlement:
This is a huge Settlement, Smaller then Spectical Island but the largest player based settlement on the mainland that I've seen so far.
This turns the full area of West Everett Estates into a player settlement, additionally, the destroyed houses and empty lots now have post war houses at there location. Turn the West Everett Estates into a full community where you can assign people to the various houses on location to make it feel as they are families living in the community.
In additon there are two Bomb Shelters - the original bomb shelter, as well as McGoverns Bomb Shelter, both of these act as interior settlements and are a great place to send your companions to stay out of trouble and hang out.
Amost everything here is scrappable, please go through all the screenshots to see the area completely cleared of scrappable objects. The Screenshots do it more justice then I can with words alone.
Everett Workbench - The workbench is a custom workbench, so its not the normal red one, look at the second page of images to see what the workbench looks like, you will find it at the house on the north side of the road that leads to the water :)
NOTE: As of 1.04 you no longer need to clear the settlement area before acquiring the workbench.
There are a couple unique items and craftable items with this mod:
Guard Post Sandbags - This lets you craft some guard posts that look like the sandbag walls.
Mini Power Generator - A mini power generator that looks like a switch box has been added, it will produce 3 power, perfect for indoor power options.
Telephone Poles - The central pole in the area where the super mutants are supplies the area with 100 power, you can connect a wire to any of the telephone poles to tap into this power, or expand it, for all the houses in the area.
Small Chemist workbench, adds a small chemist station to the crafting menu to save space while building inside homes and the bunkers
Small Weapons workbench, adds a small weapons station to the crafting menu to save space while building inside homes and the bunkers.
Mods that go good with this:
Corpse Cleaner - By caleb68 - scrap corpses all across the commonwealth.
Housekeeping - Scavanging Delux - by Robboten - More custom scavaging stations to make your settlers look like they are doing other jobs
Snappy House Kit - By Robboten - Great mod for expanding your building abilities for settlements, a must have.
Commonwealth Livestock - By Sirbalin - Adds different types of livestock for your settlement. (user suggested)
Easy Homebuilder - By Hoza - Placeable Prewar houses (user suggested)
Special Thanks:
Popay55 - For his extensive testing of the mod and feedback
Robboten - For custom collision for the additional models
lapdragon - For the usable Telephone poles
And anyone who tried talking to me during my hair pulling experiences here lol.
if your using Spring Cleaning, Please make sure that you have the mods in the following load order to prevent any issues with spring cleaning:
settlement mod
Spring Cleaning Compatibility patch
This will ensure full compatibility with spring cleaning :)
The Spring Cleaning Compatibility patch can be found here: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/12702/?
(updated from recent conversation in posts)
Scrap Everything has been found to have compatibility issues with this mod, causing things not to function properly, one key giveaway is if you see any of the destroyed buildings in the West Everette Estates. If you are having issues with the mod and use Scrap Everything, A user said that placing this mod AFTER Scrap Everything will correct the issues.
Version 1.05a:
Removed duplicate generator recipes, no worries, they only created the standard generators, just cleanup to the crafting menu.
Version 1.05:
Fixed issue with West Everett Estates map marker being Improperly assigned in existing games.
Version 1.04:
Fixed issue with some current playthrough's not being able to get the settlement.
Removed the need to clear the settlement area before aquiring the workbench, you'll still want to clear out the super mutants however.
Added a small weapons workbench for use in the bunkers and West Everett
Added a small chems workbench for use in the bunkers and West Everett
Minor Cleanup on ESP.
Version 1.03:
Fixed more candles that weren't scrapping properly
Fixed debris that wouldn't scrap on carport
Compatability setup for Optional House Scrapping addon.
Added Recipe to scrap holly hedges.
Version 1.02:
Fixed roof lights that were not scrappable in the houses.
Fixed some items in two houses that were poking through walls.
Fixed candles on north yellow house that were misaligned with the window.
Added optional file that will allow you to scrap the houses in West Everett Estates. (seprate download)
Version 1.01:
Resolved Issue with a Super mutant respawning
Resolved issue where some players would lose control of the workbench after clearing the settlement.
Note: the super mutant who was respawning may respawn once after installing the newer version, after that he should no longer respawn in the area.
Optional File - Scrap Houses Version 1.01:
Fixed the vines not scrapping with the house frames when removed.
Fixed recipe condition that was broken on several recipes.
Fixed floating platform when scrapping house by water tower.
Known Issues - Scraping Houses:
After Scrapping the houses, if you leave the area heading to the north end and then turn around and head back, you will see the houses in the distance, this is the LOD producing them. I personally don't like messing with the LOD so this will not be corrected for distance when scrapping the houses. Seems bethesda doesn't like messing with their own LOD as well, I've noticed other glitches like this with the Vanilla game while walking through areas, even with some of the DLC.