About this mod
Shatters enemy NPC body while vaporizing everything that spills out -check video!
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Mirrors
I will post the final download to it just in case anyone might be tracking, your excellent feedback has helped me fix issues on day 1, and it is your seal of approval that has approved this mod to get merged into.. what is coming :)
Thanks so much guys!
-Now available for Xbox
--geeeet outta here, you ;)
Changelog 99a-99cFix:
-Added Custom Effect Files for Red/Blue LaserKill, CryoKill & PlasmaKill, RED LASER by far my favorite (check GibsofGlory\Shader)
-Modified EffectShaders for Red/Blue LaserKillm CryoKill and PlasmaKill (check GibsofGlory\Shader)
-Fixed Player getting Gibbed - I'm sorry, but thank you Lazenite for pointing it out within 24hrs of release (added player ref to rules)
-Plasma no longer turns to Jello, behaves as standard energy weapon
-Generated GreenAshPile so everything matches
Changes default CriticalKill effects for energy weapons by exploding NPC.. while vaporizing flying bits!
Check video for CurrentState of mod:
Thank you cameron9428 for testing and providing feedback
Thank you Lazenite for pointing out the player death issue. Fixed -restored missing entry so we are good to go
This will merge with Gibs of Glory one day -will leave here and maintain whenever I'm active no worries
Please note the following:
-Applies to all Default/Mod Energy Weapon Critical Kills if using bethesdas core script effect -please provide feedback
-Does not add, override or touch ANY Weapons
-Will not conflict with weapon mods (please report any if so)
-Will not affect weapon damage
-Will not affect CriticalKill appearance rates (outside vats or in)
-Purely Visual
Download and Activate with NexusModManager
Manual Install:
Extract to Fallout 4\Data\
NexusModManager>Uninstall>Allprofiles>Delete permanently
Manual Uninstall:
Delete CriticalFX.esp
Delete Data\Meshes\GIbsofGlory\Shader\****.nif
Please ensure you Always, always perform clean installation.. or STRONG SMASH HEAD! FILTHY HUMAN!
Compatibility/Conflicts (FAQ)
No known issues or conflicts at this time; please be sure to report any mods that cause a potential conflict so I may update section upon discovery, thanks
IF you enjoy this mod and would like to show support; click on these Nexus Profiles and check out their work. Simply go to Profile>Files and have a good look. List is randomized and will add more but these guys and gals come to mind off top, despite secretly hating them and plotting their destruction; soon
Vicyorus | Polivilas | Prototype Raavyn | kinggath | ajhakra | CyborgArmGun | luc1dox | damanding | TheRizzler