Customize your housing with simply, Modular Housing. A modular housing plugin that lets you build your house from the ground up. Framing, Insulation, Inner Walls, Outer Walls, Slanted Roofs, it's a lot to take in.
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File credits
Stuyk Bethesda (Textures)
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This has been a long awaited update. Please keep in mind that a lot of mechanics have changed and settlements will break if you upgrade from 0.05 to 0.06
Best to start a new game if you plan on updating from 0.05 to 0.06 as sizing, models, etc. have been adjusted and your settlements will get riggity riggity wrecked son.
Anyway. Let's get on with the Changelog that I haven't been keeping track of.
- Broke all 0.05 Settlement Buildings.
- RIP, Sorry guys.
- Replaced most Vanilla textures with new ones.
--- This is why it's a 200MB file now.
--- This is also why it's beautiful.
- Replaced Pillar Sizes
--- They now work properly across the board.
--- This also includes 1x4.
- Insulation
--- Replaced Insulation Models
--- Insulation has 1x1,1x2,1x3,1x4
--- Made them look like Insulation.
- Foundations
--- Replaced Foundation Size
--- Foundations now sink properly.
--- Changed textures for all foundations.
--- Wood, Metal, Concrete
--- They only snap in a certain direction and will always face the same direction.
- Ceiling Pillars
--- These now don't look like normal pillars.
--- They are there to only stack a 4x4 joist on top.
- Floor Joists
--- These snap to foundations for flooring.
--- They're required and super important for functionality.
--- Order is: Foundation -> 4x4 Joist -> Single Joist
--- I recommend placing the Joists where they snap first.
--- Then do that all around and then add the ones in between.
--- This will save you so much pain.
- Stairs
--- Old stair models removed.
--- New stair models come in 1x1, 1x2, 1x3, 1x4
--- All stair models sink into the ground properly.
--- Stairs Snap to 1x4 Joists.
- Power
--- Works just like the Vault-Tec DLC
--- Credit to XarathosHawke for his discovery and his help.
--- You can now power your entire structure from one side.
--- Power is then transferred through the entire structure.
--- You can Snap a Conduit on one side and have another conduit power the other side.
--- Seriously thank you.
- Added Window Frames in various sizes.
--- Wood, Metal, Concrete
- Security bars
--- Snap them to your Windows.
--- This is the first part of an exterior update.
- Single Door Frames
--- Wood, Metal, Concrete
--- No Navmesh Currently.
--- These are not meant to support doors.
- Double Wide Door Frames
--- Wood, Metal, Concrete
--- No Navmesh Currently.
--- They do support Vanilla doors.
- Ceilings
--- They snap to the bottom of floors now.
- Flooring
--- Increased model size.
--- They now look like tiles.
--- Flooring only snaps to the 4x4 Floor Joist.
--- A lot of textures have been replaced.
--- Should snap generally in the same direction.
--- A few times it'll mess up but that depends on the players position.
- Roofing
--- Removed, all of it.
--- It's unsupported by the new mechanics.
--- Large roofing prefabs will be made soon.
--- You can see more about it on the Trello.
- Fixed a lot of annoying snapping bullshit.
- Embarrassed Bethesda
- Window Panes
--- Removed, will be replaced when I make the newly sized models.
- Added a few Custom Sounds
--- You'll hear them, they're rather subtle.
- Removed 1x1 Foundation
- Removed 2x2 Foundation
Version 0.05
Name: Simply Modular Housing
Version: 0.05
Created By: Stuyk
Changelog (07/08/16):
- Fixed 1 Unit Offset on Foundation
---- (Would basically throw off an entire build. Whoops)
- Replaced Small Brick Textures
--- (Whole section basically has new textures.)
- Compressed New Textures
---- (Started at 1.3MB got them down to 680KB)
- Performance?
---- (Adjusted shaders for all objects to match Bethesda's objects.)
---- (Should help with performance hopefully.)
- Added New Pillar Type
---- (Concrete)
---- (Yes it matches the foundations.)
- Added New Pillars
---- (4x1)
---- (3x1)
---- (2x1)
---- (Added for all other material types.)
- Glass Panes
---- (4x3)
---- (4x2)
---- (4x1)
---- (3x3)
---- (3x2)
---- (3x1)
---- (2x3)
---- (2x2)
---- (2x1)
---- (These are meant to snap to the newly added pillars.)
- Foundation Objects
---- (4x4 Wood Foundation)
---- (4x4 Wood Flooring)
---- (2x2 Wood Flooring)
---- (1x1 Wood Floor)
---- (4x4 Metal Foundation)
---- (4x4 Metal Flooring)
---- (2x2 Metal Flooring)
---- (1x1 Metal Floor)
---- (4x4 Metal01 Foundation)
---- (4x4 Metal01 Flooring)
---- (2x2 Metal01 Flooring)
---- (1x1 Metal01 Floor)
- Moved Ceiling Pillars to a section within the Foundation section.
- Roofing Overhaul
---- (Added 28 Degree Pillar for Roofing)
---- (Added 28 Degree Sheath)
---- (Added 28 Degree Inner Corner Sheath)
---- (Added 28 Degree Outer Corner Sheath)
---- (Added 100 Degree Pillar for Roofing)
---- (Added 100 Degree Sheath)
---- (Added 100 Degree Outer Sheath)
---- (Added 100 Degree Inner Sheath)
- Removed Baseboard Section
---- (Will be revisited at a later point in time.)
---- (As of now getting a ton of objects to stack on each other is going to be a pain.)
- Fixed 1x1 - 2x2 Foundation Flooring Snaps / Graphical Error.
- Fixed 1x1 - 2x2 Snapping Issues
---- (They'll never be perfect, but they're better.
---- (These ones were just annoying.)
- Wood Panels
---- (Classic Vertical Wood x 3)
---- (ReclaimedWood x 3)
---- (UnprocessedWood x 2)
- Carpet
---- (I thought it was mediocre what Bethesda had, so I amped it up.)
---- (Beige, Black, Blue, Brown, Cyan, DarkGreen, Gray, Green, Orange, Purple, Red, and White)
- Wood Flooring
---- (Harsh Wood x 3)
- Several Roofing Variations
---- (Much like the first one.)
Version 0.04
Name: Simply Modular Housing
Version: 0.04
Created By: Stuyk
Changelog (07/03/16):
- Navmesh Improvements
---- (Fixed Stairs Navmesh)
---- (Fixed Leftover Carpet Navmesh)
---- (Insulation Properly Pushes NPCs in the Right Direction)
---- (Stairs now push NPCs UP / DOWN no problem.)
---- (Flooring now Navmeshed properly for NPCs.)
---- (Proper Object Calculations)
---- (Navmesh from 1x1 Floor Removed, Too Small to Navmesh)
---- (For future reference use 2x2 or 4x4 for NPCs)
---- (1x1 Flooring is for Aesthetic Purposes not Functionality.)
---- (Generally Navmesh isn't ever going to be perfect, but it's functional.)
- Pillar Improvements
---- (Snapping)
---- (Sinkable)
---- (Foundation Issues Fixed)
- Fixed Prefab
---- (Forgot to rename the snap nodes.)
---- (Insulation should snap in properly now.)
- Stairs
---- (Rotation based off small block.)
---- (Ramp connects to the block.)
---- (Stairs connect to the Ramp.)
Roofing will be getting reworked after general feedback.
Version 0.03
Name: Simply Modular Housing
Version: 0.03
Created By: Stuyk
Changelog (06/30/16):
- Adjusted Insulation Snap Nodes
---- (These now snap flawlessly.)
---- (Also known as Insulatioin Double Snap Issue.)
- Added Modular Staircases
---- (A piece for staircase steps.)
---- (A piece for the staircase steps to go on. A ramp.)
---- (A piece for building higher staircases / lower staircases.)
---- (Requires 4 floor spaces to build to a second story or five on a corner build.)
- Fixed pillar snap issue between two pillars.
---- (Had to adjust foundation collision, so falling through should be unlikely but still possible.)
---- (This can be subsided by placing flooring pieces.)
- Second Story Troubles
---- (Removed the old stair model.)
---- (Only because it was a temporary model that somewhat worked.)
- Prefab Placement on Second Story
---- (Forgot to adjust the nodes, so now it will place properly.)
- Adjusted categories for further expansion.
---- (Pillars now have material categories.)
- Foundations Fix
---- (They are now stackable.)
---- (They also place much easier below the ground!)
- Navmesh
---- (Navmesh for Stairs)
---- (Navmesh for Ramps)
---- (Navmesh for Building Blocks for Ramps / Stairs)
- Other stuff I lost track of.
Version 0.02
Name: Simply Modular Housing
Version: 0.02
Created By: Stuyk
Changelog (06/29/16):
- Corrected Foundation Collision
---- (There was a small gap in the foundations.)
- Corrected Window Collision
---- (It was off by a smidgen.)
- Adjusted Window Alphas / Texturing
---- (They are now much darker but also clearer / visible in the menus.)
- Adjusted Snapping for Stairs
---- (Either Snaps to a 1x1 Carpeting or Doorway Entrance.)
---- (Cannot be placed without.)
- Adjusted Pillar Snapping
---- (They now have alternate snaps for Horizontals.)
- Added Two Horizontal Pillars
---- (One goes one direction)
---- (The other one goes the other direction.)
---- (This will make building horizontals seamless and fast!)
- Added single prefab for 1x3 full sized wall.
---- (Basically a quick way to build a full wall.)
- Ceiling tiles now snap seamlessly.
---- (Took out the original snap, replaced it with a modified floor snap.)
---- (Now they should snap quickly and painlessly.)
- Doorway snapping has been tweaked.
---- (These can now only be snapped to another Pillar or Between Two Pillars.)
---- (This will make the snapping for the Doorways pretty accurate.)
- Added Consumeable Items
---- (One can be found under Crafting for Force Installation of Menus.)
---- (One can be found in the Menu for safe Uninstallation of the mod.)
- Doorway Textures
---- (Added two more to match the other pillars.)
--- November 4, 2022 I'm making a return to re-release another version of this mod. However, it will likely be under a new name and will fix a lot of the issues that came with the older version of this mod.
Budget Limitations for Placements
Snapping Issues
Lack of Windows
Lack of Roofing
The scope for the new mod is being logged in a Discord Channel and if you're interested in following along as I build this new mod and want to participate in the creation please feel free to join here: I've already established how everything will work and even have a basic SMM integration setup with toggleable texture types and some Papyrus scripts to go along with it.
What does it do? This modification will allow you to literally build a house from scratch. You start with your foundation, you add floor joists, pillars, ceilings, insulation, walls of various textures, etc. It's the most in-depth build system for Fallout 4 to date.
Why? Bethesda's settlement plugin is pretty bland. This idea behind the plugin is spruce it up and add a massive powerhouse of combination features to keep settlements interesting and fulfilling. Every time you build a house with this plugin you're giving it your very own touch and hard work. It will feel very personal, especially with each individual tile, pillar, and piece of wallpaper that you put down.
Where can I find the items? Under the Structures menu you will find a Simply Modular Housing menu injected on the very right-hand side.
Objects Included / Menus: (Use this as a checklist for proper installation.)
Door Frames
Window Frames
Foundation <- Foundation Frame <- Pillars <- Everything Else
Why isn't this on Console? Version 0.05:
Version 0.06:
Why can't I comment? I got sick of reading the comments about standardization and people telling me how I should make my modification. Such entitlement. So I'll just turn those off for now. You can always join Discord if you have a question or need help.
Thanks to: All of my Patreon users, Gavin, Manomann, Zaxen, Dameon, Dan, and various other testers.