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About this mod

Adds a holotape that allows you to choose various options for survival difficulty, including hunger, thirst and exhaustion rate.

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Now has MCM support

The survival mode update for Fallout 4 is a mixed bag for most, whether you can't live without fast travel or just want to tweak the hunger and thirst rate there is usually at least one thing in the update that just seems off.  With this mod you can tweak most survival settings and create a custom survival experience.

When you first launch my mod you will receive a holotape that will allow you to change various settings on the fly without having to constantly reinstall a mod to get it just right.  If you do not receive the holotape it can be crafted at a chem station

Current Toggleable Options:
  • Toggle for completely turning hunger, thirst, and sleep off or on
  • Toggle to display needs, hunger and thirst are the food value needed, sleep is hours to next debuff
  • Change the rate at which you need food and drink
  • Change the amount of time before you need to sleep
  • Set the amount of food and drink needed to half what you would normally need or keep it the same
  • Thirst from items toggle
  • Hunger from items toggle
  • Primary need debuff toggles
  • Toggle whether you want a placeholder debuff for primary needs
  • Fatigue toggle for hunger, thirst, or exhaustion
  • Carry weight penalty toggle for survival mode
  • Damage when encumbered toggle
  • Damage when encumbered in power armor toggle
  • Fast travel toggle
  • Fast travel out of the institute toggle
  • Disease Toggle
  • Immunedeficiency toggle
  • Change the combat incoming and outgoing damage multiplier
  • All bed types can be toggled
  • Companion auto heal toggle
  • Adrenaline toggle
  • Limb auto heal toggle
  • Bottle filling toggle
  • Cell Reset Options

Save System:
  • Choose whether each option is autosave or normal save
  • Save on cell load
  • Save on wait
  • Save on a settable timer
  • Save when exiting combat and reaching a settable health percentage
  • Save when leveling up(not the best because there is no levelup event so every 10 seconds it checks if your level increases)
  • Items for normal saving and autosaving, get these through the holotape

Things that can't be toggled in game but have install options:
  • Toggle console on
  • Change compass back to non survival values

Things not in this mod:
  • Item weight, this currently requires editing the items and can not be toggled through scripts
  • Reenable survival mode, this requires a ui mod
  • Heal rate, this is a game setting and cannot be toggled
  • Experience multiplier, this is a game setting and cannot be toggled

Anything that edits the hc_manager quest will be incompatable.  Mods that edit items, menus, or game settings should work fine.

I always suggest backing up your save files before testing out mods.

If there is a feature you would like or I have forgotten let me know and I will try and get it added.
When submitting bugs make sure it is not a mod conflict and it is this mod causing the issue.

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