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Ceaseless and PDE

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About this mod

Yeah, they were using it for lots of things those days...
Lights up the signs of stores and other places around the Commonwealth

Permissions and credits

They were using it for lots of things in those days...
Lights up the signs of stores and other places around the Commonwealth

Just a small showing.

Then HODI had to blow it out of the water! Shout out to Hodilton,VatiWah, and JR Mods!

With the right ENB preset, this will look much better than what you see in the video above or author screenshots. There are some ENBs out there making the signs look fantastic. Great combo along with having night time darkened.


Navigate to your Fallout 4 Folder at the following location "Documents/My Games/Fallout 4"
Add the following lines to your Fallout4Custom.ini


Save and close.

Install with Nexus Mod Manager (or other mod managers) or manually

Check out PDE Youtube for the latest updates and new projects!

War Of The Commonwealth - Spawns

Thanks to sammehwinchester