This mod isn't supposed to be a joke mod, though the title was a bit of humor over the term immersive and how it is overused. The title is apt though, The house when the game first starts is supposed to be my house and I do not put the TP in the dispenser that way so if I just happen to look at it, it will look out of place and strange. Then with Homemaker If I make a bathroom in a settlement and put a TP dispenser in it it would look odd and out of place there as well. That's a bit of broken immersion.
That said I am enjoying the humor and fun it provoked except that one guy who had his comment deleted and reported. If that was supposed to be "funny" I hate to break the news but it wasn't even in the same universe or the next 1 billion dimensions as "funny" is in.
Honestly I believe someone at Bethesda who made the dispenser made it that way just to troll some players, Proper toilet paper mounting debate is a funny and contested issue. Hopefully he or she sees this mod and gets a good laugh.
OTOH, the 'non-immersive' version is the only way to hang toilet paper if you have a cat who has discovered the joy of unwinding entire rolls into a giant fluffy pile of TP to play in. Hilarious mod, really. ;D
Any plans for an Immersive Used Toothpaste Tube mod? #ImJustHereToReadTheComments
Does this change the pre-war newspaper to work? I noticed those all look like sheets of toilet paper now, but the old ones are fine and didn't know if it was because of this mod. lol
That said I am enjoying the humor and fun it provoked except that one guy who had his comment deleted and reported. If that was supposed to be "funny" I hate to break the news but it wasn't even in the same universe or the next 1 billion dimensions as "funny" is in.
Honestly I believe someone at Bethesda who made the dispenser made it that way just to troll some players, Proper toilet paper mounting debate is a funny and contested issue. Hopefully he or she sees this mod and gets a good laugh.
The Chive approves
Any plans for an Immersive Used Toothpaste Tube mod? #ImJustHereToReadTheComments
Maybe some Immersive 200 year old half used soap bars too.
A synth!