Fallout 4
Manly Monday with Fenn

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  1. PatrickTheDM
    • premium
    • 175 kudos
    Nice set, those arms just keep getting bigger.
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 883 kudos
      LOl thanks Patrick. It may seem that way but actually 5% smaller as I reduced a lot of the sliders to 45%. Course could be Fenn's triangle is closer to the top in this iteration than before. Percentages are added to wherever the slider is when you make the character. Its a triagnle with the top tip being the most muscular and athletic. right side is heavy and left is thin. The very middle of the triangle is average which is what the BS body uses as the base. Fen is about 1/3 up from the middle towards the top with a tiny lean towards the left/thin side. Mac, however, is at the very top nudged over a little to the right and down so he has a more bulky build. Granted the only one who would ever notice the subtleties is myself. As I have said before we all love our own characters the most and know them best (with exceptions of course as there are a couple of characters other players have made I really enjoy as well).
    2. PatrickTheDM
      • premium
      • 175 kudos
      Interesting way of the UI doing proportions.
  2. Darksaber87
    • supporter
    • 102 kudos
    Great set, Jonathan. Fenn looks cool with the Glasses a great MM set. I should at least finish one play through with mods in Fallout 4. My characters are still not even a quarter of the way through haha.
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 883 kudos
      Thanks Quinten. Well if you don't get into the game not much you can do about that. What I play and how often is totally dependent on what my mind says it wants to do. When I sit down at night and go to the play button I go with mood. I still like FO4 enough that I think about it during the day and tend to look forward to playing it at night. When I don't I shift to Skyrim. Also play a little DOS2 each night since I enjoy that as well. Sometimes you do have to juggle a few favorites :)
  3. kestrelhawk
    • premium
    • 37 kudos
    Oh dear lord, those glasses....makes me want to take them off him and...well, nevermind. Eek.

    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 883 kudos
      Thanks :) Amazing how the glasses can change his look and feel. Eventually he will get more fancy optics though I like the look of these so will keep them around.
    2. kestrelhawk
      • premium
      • 37 kudos
      Very good idea, yep....very good!
  4. BlackMaid
    • premium
    • 330 kudos
    He looks really good with the glasses, but the pic without ... this smile is ice-smelting

    btw ... were can I find the pose with cigarette ?
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 883 kudos
      Thanks :-) The cig pose comes from a popular mod by Flippydeezy (or some such like that) EDIT: Here is the link: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/13431/?
    2. BlackMaid
      • premium
      • 330 kudos
      Thanks a lot. Dl runs
  5. BlueOgreSan
    • premium
    • 251 kudos
    Great looking images. And that's quite an interesting approach with your story.
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 883 kudos
      I know what "interesting approach" means in a comment :-)

      Aye I know its very esoteric and unrealistic. I like my fantasy what can I say. The Fenrir stuff is over the top but it ties into my book idea. I would love to write a book. Not really to publish but just to do. I have been toying with an idea for years now - well before FO4 and even before Skyrim. Basically tied to an alternative earth where mythologies have some reality to them tied to belief. As science took over gods and demons and all all manner of legends faded into just stories. But at one time belief in those things meant there were Norse gods and Fenrir existed. When belief stops they don't totally die (there is always lingering memories and archetypes left over in the human consciousness) but fade away.

      Gaia (Mother Earth) has always existed and represents the life force of the planet. Perhaps each planet with life has its own personality and soul but thats a topic for another day. Anyhow Gaia senses a threat. An Enemy seeks to bring about an apocalypse in an effort to drain her life energy, destroying Earth in the process and opening up a portal to a realm that hungers for matter and energy. The enemy has some ability to manipulate events through time and space but lack any way to directly open a gateway between their Universe of dark matter and dark energy to our own realm.

      Gaia needs a protector as she is not able to act directly to stop them, it isn't how her mind or existence works - she is more am embodiment of all living things and her influence is mainly over Earth itself. She makes a deal with Fenrir. The Norse gods are dying/fading away as Christian beliefs take over. She saves Fenrir from where he is tied in chains if he will serve as her guardian. He agrees for reasons of his own. He creates a network of agents and spies. Mostly humans who do his work on Earth.

      Wolf was his first agent and the main character in the story. The story starts in ancient Norse times and moves forward to present day Earth where lack of resources, strife, and the manipulations of the Enemy and their own agents are priming Earth for nuclear war. Wolf's job, along with his bonded soul mate, a wolf, is to stop the war from happening and save Gaia. He gets his training back in old Norse days but dies protecting Fenrir from an attack by the Enemy. Fenrir saves his soul and moves it to the future where he becomes a guerilla rebel fighting against the Enemy.

      I wrote a few stories on this for Skyrim using the Skyrim game to do some of the images for the old Norse time period. But had to change the book story to adapt to Skyrim. Likewise I use FO4 for the future but had to adapt the story again since in FO4 the war occurred. Here the war occured but Fenrir and Wolf were able to blunt it - preventing the complete annihilation of all life which prevented the Enemy from opening their gateway. Now the Enemy uses the Institute as their tool to finish the job - replacing all life with synthetic life forms that will then finish the destruction of Gaia and the planet.

      So that is more what the story is about. In a lot of ways Fenrir, the Enemy, and all the supernatural stuff is in the background as flavor. I basically play the game as Fenn being a genetically designed soldier who broke the implants and AI programs in his head to develop his own personality and free will (or as I like to day dream at times Fenn is me and its my soul that awakens in him but in that case its more a generic idea of how I might end up in such a world ... I do that with almost every game I play ... try to come up with a way I might end up in that world and how I might react and adapt to what is happening. While I play a specific character my day dreaming is more general and not tied to a specific character as much as a concept of a character I would like to be ... getting off track again.). A little opposite of a Synth - which is a machine mimicking real life while Fenn is real life mimicking a machine. Where those boundaries lay is very gray and unclear.

      Fenn escapes the laboratory, thanks to help from Wolf, and in the process frees some canine experiments (aka Dogmeat) in the process. They all get separated while being hunted (both by the Enclave and by the Enemy) and then the Great War happens. Fenrir hides his soul in Fenn as they enter a deep winter sleep inside Vault 111. Wolf likewise enters a deep sleep in a hidden chamber below Vault 111.

      They wake up and Fenn is given the memories of Nate, thanks to Wolf. He is now trying to unravel everything as well as adapt to this world he finds himself in.
  6. RatherWindy
    • account closed
    • 162 kudos
    Those glasses are indeed stylish, but also show a more, let's say, soft side of him I think.
    With glasses it certainly get's more obvious why he would choose to side with the minuteman,...
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 883 kudos
      Thanks! Well Fenn is more chaotic and erratic. Not big on rules, authority, and control. The BOS and INST both have that in spades. So MM and RR are more his style. He also likes those trying to help themselves and build a life on their own ... hence tends to like settlers and is willing to help them. He hates whiney people or needy people (just like Mac) and tends to not help those who aren't willing to also help themselves.

      The glasses give him a fun geek look although he doesn't need them as he has perfect vision thanks to the genetic tampering of Vault-Tec and the Enclave scientists.
  7. Bennzoor
    • premium
    • 202 kudos
    Fenn's clothes are so tight and I am 100% here for this.
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 883 kudos
      Lol thanks. I love those tight leather worn pants on my characters. Pretty much a given they will be wearing them to some degree in every play-through. Just like them too much to use anything else.
  8. Darnexx
    • premium
    • 295 kudos
    Dude! Is he really wearing an "Ad Victoriam Underwear" ? I NEED THAT XDD
    Great shots, love the first one. I've heard this ENB is highly customize.
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 883 kudos
      Lol aye I love that underwear. There is a mod that comes with three different types of skin (smooth, man fur, lumberjack fur) and various underwear. The BOS version is my favorite although there is some for each faction. Also equip-able. Can find it here: https://rd.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/12089

      The ENB is very customizable. Some learning curve but even just playing around with the two film stock options can do a lot. I am just waiting for him to add the focus GUI controls to the DOF to be completely happy with it :)
  9. TheMercsAssassin
    • premium
    • 60 kudos
    Two questions, what ENB? (PRC? CFL)? And what body mod? He has muscles for his muscles.
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 883 kudos
      Two ENB's really. The main and the close up with glasses are with Film Workshop by TreyM (his newest release). The other shots are a merger of my own ASD INST preset and an old preset by TreyM called The Hampton. I am a big fan of Trey's work - a true master at this stuff.
  10. Heaventhere
    • premium
    • 277 kudos
    Love the 3rd from bottom shot, his grin is fabulous. Really great set! I am just on my way to Goodneighbor too as funny how you get so used to having one of them with you.

    Was just making a new outfit then on way .......
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 883 kudos
      Thanks - aye I love the way his grin appears in the game.

      I can't play Fenn without Dogmeat and MacCready (aka Big Mac). Just isn't right. One reason I can't stick too long with Wolf - he is fun and I like the melee combat but I miss having Mac around and it wouldn't feel right if Mac was with Wolf. Plus Wolf is more of a guardian personality and First Guard to Fenrir. Wolf is more someone I admire and would want protecting me and less someone I see as myself. He is more like Grim being the very noble bigger than life hero type. The kind of person you feel safe and secure around. Fenn is more gray with his selfish weaknesses even though at his core he is basically a good person ... just that, like Mac, he loses his way now and then as he lacks the confidence and certainty of life's purpose that Grim and Wolf have.

      Perhaps that is why I like Grim or Wolf in Skyrim as there its the fantasy hero thing. While in FO4 I feel its more of a struggle to balance survival and meet ones own needs while trying to do good. Strangely I just see FO4 as more violent and dangerous than Skyrim.

      So aye you get used to having certain companions around you.

      Lol @ new oufit. I know the feeling :) Although I am pretty wedded to my leather pants for both my guys.