Fallout Cascadia 4

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Working on weather/lighting for Fallout Cascadia with Mangaclub. No enb or reshade or anything here, just in-game lighting.


  1. Dapple30
    • member
    • 74 kudos
    This isn't really relevant to this pic or even your skill set/duties to your role on this project, but... I hope to see a healthy assortment of wildlife in these lands. One thing I always loved about adding lush foliage to the game was accidentally stumbling across a pack of mongrel dogs...or sneaking through the tall grass to avoid a Behemoth. I hope your team considers these small details as the landscape looks fantastic!
    1. doodlum
      • premium
      • 3,846 kudos
      But it's the lighting, not vegetation.... :/
    2. Dapple30
      • member
      • 74 kudos
      We'll I feel foolish. I saw in the past you had worked on vegetation, buti now see this is not the case in this example. Nonetheless, I just had to throw my 2 cents out there. Even if the testing you are showing is the commonwealth or not, the pictures alone show a lot of promise. Simply excited!
  2. Fearsomeman3
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Dang, that's looking good! Are you going to be adding any weather effects aside from vanilla ones?
    1. doodlum
      • premium
      • 3,846 kudos
      Yup! Loads of new clouds, new volumetric fog, particles, screen effects. Who knows, maybe even some cool raindrop effects