OTs-02 Kiparis - ingame test 001

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So DOOMBASED hooked me up with a very quick initial pass for the implementation so that I could test the textures in-game.

It's missing attachments at the moment and is a bit small in the screenshots (we've already scaled it up a little bit), and obviously, the current animations don't do the trick. Hitman47101 has volunteered to do a set for it so stay tuned!


  1. doriando
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    you should throw out that ak of yours next. since the model and texture is already done. seems like a logical choice.
  2. deleted10291075
    • account closed
    • 5 kudos
    Very nice weapon as always,top quality but i have a question: i saw your spectre for fallout nv and i was wondering , would you ever port that gun to fo4 ?
    1. Millenia
      • premium
      • 5,969 kudos
      I never ended up finishing it - if I do it would be only for Fallout 4 anyway since I'm done with New Vegas.
    2. deleted10291075
      • account closed
      • 5 kudos
      I really hope you do it for fallout 4,it looked awesome
  3. Charmareian
    • member
    • 39 kudos
    Cool that hitman is making custom animations for you. I notice he made a lot of them for your various weapons in New Vegas. Does FO4 has unlimited animation slots or are they just being replaced like in New Vegas?
    1. ZeKrossl
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      • 0 kudos
      It uses animation keywords, kinda like idles i think. Don't quote me on that though.
  4. akir4
    • premium
    • 79 kudos
    Looks beautiful as always. Can you please tell how's AK doing?
    1. Millenia
      • premium
      • 5,969 kudos
      Shoved off the priority list, I'm not too happy with my old model and kinda feel like doing a massive modular AK project rather than a specific model. Would be nice to have the ability to use most AK variants on a single weapon platform.

      That and I kinda want not to do the AKs and M4s quite yet, they've kinda been done to death. Stuff like FN FAL is way more exciting IMO!
    2. innova889
      • member
      • 137 kudos
      i hope you port your cz805 eventually , that is a beautiful gun. also you could model it after the handmade rifle since they have similar magazine sizes
    3. goatkiller
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      You could do a FAMAS. It has a lot of mods available. And personally I would love it.
    4. altairmw
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      You guys obviosly don't remember that Millenia doesn't do requsts now do you
    5. deleted19745059
      • account closed
      • 0 kudos
      May I plant the suggestion of doing something based off of the AR platform one day? Doesn't have to be a M4 but something else within the AR family. For example the M27 would be a alternative. But if you want to pursue the FAL design the Sig 556 would be a good alternative if you want a more modern weapon based off of the FAL

      As for animation, the process for getting 3rd person working is now known due to a helpful creation kit wiki update back in September. It is just a matter of finding people who are willing to but in the extra work needed animate 3rd person, which is still not an easy feat. I'm hopeful that once some mods come out with 3rd person animations it might inspire others to tackle the challenge.
    6. I2edShift
      • premium
      • 130 kudos
      The AR platform is so ubiquitous in video game and actual gun culture that it's lost its personality. Sure, they're great rifles (I've shot a few personally), but do we need another HK 416/M16/M4/AR10/AR15 etc etc etc rifle? Others are already doing those things anyways, let them. I'd rather Mill work on something with some personality that we haven't seen all over the place already.

      I'd gush like a school girl to see a "modernized" classic FN FAL myself, but I have a feeling that if Mil does take up such a project that it'll be a simpler version with the basic classic furniture.
    7. roboroller
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      God please do a FAL.
    8. Tranqulizer
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      That, Would, Be, BADASS!
  5. emilking
    • supporter
    • 9 kudos
    Love it!
  6. PyroDarknessPanda
    • premium
    • 11 kudos
    Love it!
    Any chance of a Masada ACR?
  7. nexusguy
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    Are you eventually going to add pump shotguns too?
    1. Millenia
      • premium
      • 5,969 kudos
      Yeah I have a SPAS-12 in the works.
  8. SkyTiamat
    • BANNED
    • 14 kudos
    Millenia back! Finally.
  9. H00V3RD8M
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Is the Kiparis going to have an option for a folded stock? Have you though about a VZ61 Scorpion?
    1. Millenia
      • premium
      • 5,969 kudos
      Possibly, though a folded stock would clip with any topside attachments.

      Skorpion, yeah, maybe, though it's not really a high priority thing right now. I'd rather do something like the MP5 platform since it has a lot of variants and attachments.
    2. H00V3RD8M
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Doom has a few FN Fal models that he has in store. Perhaps when you have some time, you should ask him about them.
  10. robersonb1
    • premium
    • 726 kudos
    The more I've played with it, the more I like this model. Hope you like the idles we made.