OTs-02 Kiparis - texturing 001

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Model by Mr. Rifleman (Paul Yakushev). Early start on the textures.


  1. AlexScorpion
    • premium
    • 1,285 kudos
    Look at him go
  2. doriando
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    what are you going to do about the retextures you were working on before you left. seems like a waste to never release what you made. the deliver i think it was
    1. Millenia
      • premium
      • 5,968 kudos
      Even if I released it I'd probably end up restarting the whole thing as I'm not happy with it.
    2. GeeMan42
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      Already a 100 times better than the abomination the vanilla Deliverer is... still not good (perfect) enough. You certainly have high standards
  3. TheMrDragoonLord
    • premium
    • 3 kudos
    Just out of curiosity, will you be making any holster models for your weapons in the future? For mods like Visible Weapons.
    1. Millenia
      • premium
      • 5,968 kudos
      Up to DOOM really since he does all the implementation work. Wouldn't want to promise anything on his behalf!
  4. HnK416
    • supporter
    • 6 kudos
    Seeing you working on weapons for FO4 makes me a little too happy. Any chance we might see some form of FAL from you in the future?
    1. Millenia
      • premium
      • 5,968 kudos
      I'd love to do a FAL, just need to find the time to do it proper justice.
    2. I2edShift
      • premium
      • 130 kudos
      Which version do you think you'd like to do if had the chance? Black polymer furniture or wood? Folding paratrooper stock or the fixed butt-stock? Carrying handle or no carrying handle? Such a cool gun, the FAL 50.63 is my personal favorite. It's a shame Bethesda didn't pay for licensing on all the cool firearms that were in FO and FO2.
    3. HnK416
      • supporter
      • 6 kudos
      Oooh that's wonderful to hear. It's such a disappointment that one of the most prolific battle rifles of the Cold War era crops up so little in games. The Right Arm of the Free World can't do much if everyone is left-handed.
  5. bumbelbee94
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    OOOhh yeah Millenia is Back in the business
  6. RagamuffinSkullman
    • supporter
    • 30 kudos
    Beautiful, as always.
  7. Pr3datv
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Great job Millenia !
  8. choochoo1
    • premium
    • 94 kudos
    I' ever seen this before, do you mind my asking what era is it from and what country?
    1. Arjy Yu
      Arjy Yu
      • supporter
      • 3 kudos
      you can find it by its name - OTs-02 Kiparis - in Wiki

      developed in early 70s in Tula - but have not been put to use until 90s

  9. Swordbreaker925
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Do you have any plans to add custom animations (where necessary) for your guns now that animation tools have been created for Fallout 4? Obviously some of the existing animations work great, like the one you used for the P220, but a gun like this may not be quite as compatible with vanilla animations.
    1. Millenia
      • premium
      • 5,968 kudos
      It'll have to be dependent on an actual animator since I'm not very good at it & have very little expendable time ATM, sadly.
    2. Swordbreaker925
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Understandable. I've done a bit of 3D animation myself and it's very tedious. And hey, no worries. Honestly we're just happy to have you back with a new gun to play with
    3. Sam Fisher
      Sam Fisher
      • member
      • 81 kudos
      Yeah, I think this one won't work very well with the vanilla anims. But Ha_ru/blackxteel was making animations for a Tec-9, so that might work for this as well.