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Soon to be released shoulder lamp.


    • member
    • 0 kudos
    looks great
    i use tactical animations i just want to know if you are going to make this compatible
    like pipboy flash light
    1. AKcelsior
      • premium
      • 593 kudos
      Pip-Boy Flashlight is one of my most popular mods. Everything I produce will always be compatible with it.

      This lamp was actually supposed to be included in an update to "Tactical Flashlights", but because it took so long to create I am releasing it as a standalone mod. The shoulder lamp will eventually be included in the tac lights update, but there's a ton of work to do on my other equipment first. I figured rather than make people wait another month or so for the update, I'll just release this particular lamp early.

      The standalone mod, "Tactical Animations" uses the same animations as I use in Pipboy Flashlight's "Alternate animations" option. As such they are all compatible.
    2. DANIELxD
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      ty for the reply man and you are a modding hero
  2. maidude
    • BANNED
    • 8 kudos
    Love the reference to Aliens... would also like the version which refers to Predator. :-)